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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Asian Tiger Mosquito (Aedes albopictus) Asian Tiger Mosquito (Aedes albopictus) Key Features - Bold black shiny scales- Distinct silver white scales on the palpus and tarsi- Legs are black with white basal scales on each tarsal segment- Medium-sized mosquito- White stripe down the center beginning at the dorsal surface of the head and continuing along the thorax Indigenous Range The Asian Tiger Mosquitois native to the continentof Asia and is fairlycommon throughout theoriental region. Introduction Arrived accidentally in tiresimported from Asia. The rapidspread of Asian TigerMosquitoes is attributed totransport of usedtires across state lines. Current Distribution Preferred Habitat They live and reproduce nearshallow, standing water.They breed in artificial containerssuch as tires and bottles, andbreed in natural places such as trees. Ecological Destruction The mosquitos acquire diseases from a hostanimal when the female sucks the host’s blood.The mosquitos then transfer the disease to otheranimals during a later feeding. The mosquitoscan spread diseases to other animals throughthis process, harming the ecological stabilityof many different ecosystems Methods Of Control People can prevent the spread of themosquitos by eliminating breeding sites.This includes recycling or disposing of trashor unwanted items, especially old tires.Store containers indoors, cover them, or turn them upside down. Change water weeklyin outdoor containers such as pet bowls, flowerpots, and birdbaths Ecological Restoration The Public Health Service Act of 1988 requiresused tires shipped from countries that are hometo the Asian Tiger Mosquito to be dry, clean,and fumigated. This prevents any more of thespecies from coming in from Asia. Socially, thisdecreases the amount of mosquitos that can bite and effect humans. Economically, thisreduces the risk of livestock being effected bythe mosquitos.
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