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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Step 7: Sent to Another Chamber Step 2: Send to Standing Committee Step 3: Main Bill Options Step:4 Rules Committee Step 5: 2nd Reading Step 6: 3rd reading Step 8: Conference Committee Step 1: 1st Reading After bill introduction, bills are referred to anappropriate committee. If a committee ishostile or unreceptive, it may fail to bereported out, or passed. Committee votes toapprove bill, report with amendments, make further amendments, or kill the bill. Remaining bills are read. Final debateon bills. Final debate on bills. Bills areeither passed, killed, or amended. 1. Pass2. Amend3. Kill House bills must pass through rules committeebefore going to the House floor. Limits of debateand bill amendments are established. Speaker then appoints all majority party members to committees. Majority of bills can be killed duringdebate. The remaining bills are sentback to committee and steps repeatfrom 1st reading. All 1-7 steps repeat. If the house and senate versionsof a bill differ, two chambers form a conference committeeto resolve those differences. Themajority of conferees from eachHouse sign the bill and send toCongress. *resources HOW A BILL BECOMES A LAW By Ashlee Gillespie Bills must be introduced and sponsored by a member of congress.Sponsored bills are placed in the ¨hopper.¨ Bills receive special designation codes to identify their house of origin. 1. Sign the bill2. Veto the bill3. Refuse to take action4. Pocket veto Step 9: Sent to President
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