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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Arsenal FC Arsenal FC Digital Champions? Digital Champions? What is Digital Marketing? The application of the Internet and related digital technologies in conjunction with traditional communications to achieve marketing objectives. $135 billion spent in 2014 on digital marketing 25% 1 Internet ads will make up 25% of ad market by 2015 References:1. Chaffey, D, Ellis-Chadwick, F, & Chaffey, D 2012, Digital Marketing. [Electronic Resource] : Strategy, Implementation And Practice, n.p.: Harlow : Pearson, 2012., Leeds Beckett University Library Catalogue, EBSCOhost, viewed 12 December 2014.2. WEIGUO, F, & GORDON, M 2014, 'The Power of Social Media Analytics', Communications Of The ACM, 57, 6, pp. 74-81, Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 12 December 2014.3. Chen, H., Chiang, R.H.L., and Storey, V (2012). Business intelligence and analytics: From big data to big impact. MIS Quarterly 36, 4 (Dec. 2012), pp.11651188.4. Dow, C 2013, 'MOBILE MARKETING AND THE VALUE OF CUSTOMER ANALYTICS', International Journal Of Mobile Marketing, 8, 1, pp. 117-120, Business Source Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 14 December 2014.5. Farney, T, & McHale, N 2013, 'Introducing Google Analytics for Libraries', Library Technology Reports, 49, 4, pp. 5-8, Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 14 December 2014.8. Twitter Facebook Social Media 2 Arsenal will carryout the above process by using the analytics tools provided by sites such as Facebook and Twitter. How will this be utilised? Benefits - CAPTURE: The analytics capture a vast range of information from the social media sites.- UNDERSTAND: The analytic tools then filter the important data and remove the low quality data.- PRESENT: The analytic tools then display the findings from the 'understand' stage but in a meaningful, easy to understand way. Challenges - The vast volume of data can cause problems for analytics, making it hard to keep information up to date. - Different languages being used at the same time on sites. 3 Mobile "By 2014, mobile is expected to overtake desktop Internet usage globally" 4 -Between 2013 and 2017, mobile phone penetration will rise from 61.1% to 69.4% of the global population. -This table shows the number of smartphone users worldwide, the % of mobile phone users that are smartphones, and % of the population that use a smartphone.- The global smartphone audience surpassed the 1 billion mark in 2012 and will total 1.75 billion in 2014. Challenges 5 - More than 2.23 billion people worldwide, or 48.9% of mobile phone users, will go online via mobile at least monthly in 2014, and over half of the mobile audience will use the mobile internet next year. - We estimate that the total number of mobile phone internet users will rise 16.5% in 2014 and maintain double-digit growth through 2016. 6 Benefits 7 - Analytics tools are often free.- Custom reports identifying which metrics to analyse.- Can track mobile applications as well as websites. 7 Metrics Traffic Generation - It is a massive market for Arsenal to target due to the number of smartphone users. - When measuring site traffic, Arsenal must not just focus on page views, but also on how many unique visitors the website gets per week or month. Overall Site Traffic Mobile Traffic - More and more people are accessing the internet through their smartphones and tablets, which gives internet marketers more revenue sources. Average Time on Site - This is important for gauging what content is relevant and would drive results from site visitors, gaining their valuable trust, ultimately leading to conversion. Rate of Return Visitors - Knowing your rate of return visitors can giveyou an insight on how you can improve your content in order to attract consumers for future visits. Conversion Metrics Revenue Metrics Return on Investment - Helps to identify which area of Arsenals digital marketing is driving sales & revenue, and what areas need improving Cost to Acquire a Customer - Total of your marketing costs for a particular time, divided by how many new paying customers were generated during the same period (season ticket holders for example). - Today, nearly 22% of apps downloaded are never used more than once.- Information may be stored by external companies.- Can only track segments rather than individuals. 8 Benefits Challenges - Drives the strategy of Arsenal- Provides focus for the club- Aids decision making- Drives performance- Produces good internal and external public relations - Specificity- Inaccuracy - Simplicity- Over-reliance 10 9
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