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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Caste System The Brahmin were made up of priests who ran the peoplein India religion and was in charge of religious ceremonies. Next was the Kshatriya which was made up of warriors who were running the army and the government. Then there was the Vaishya that were commoners, farmers, and merchants. double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. People who were in the caste system were born into it and they could not change their social classes. The caste system was made because the Aryans thought they were better then the native Indians and they wanted to be more powerful so they move the Indians to the bottom of the social classes. The most highest social class were called Brahmin they were made up of priests who ran the religion of India and was in charge of religious ceremonies. The second highest class were the Kshatriya which were warriors that were running the army and the government. The third highest class was the Vaishayas that were the commoners, farmers, and merchants. The fourth class and the last was called Sundras this class was made up of manual laborers and servants who had few rights. Then there was the untouchables who aren't on the social class pyramid they are the lowest class of all they did dirty work and they had to havesticks to make sounds to warn the other people that they were near and so theother people have a chance to get away from the untouchable. The caste system affected India's society by making people who are in higher social classes treat the lower classes poorly and unfairly and made the lower classes have onlya few or no rights at all.
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