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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Arctic Fox The Arctic Fox lives in the cold north The Arctic Foxs endangerment isregarded currently as LeastConcern... The Arctic Fox`s endangerment isregarded currently as LeastConcern... But things from Polar Bears andother predators to GlobalWarming to Human Hunters andFarmers protecting sheep ensurethis animal does not have it easy. But things from Polar Bears andother predators to GlobalWarming to Human Hunters andFarmers protecting sheep ensurethis animal does not have it easy. The summer and wintercoats ofthe ArcticFox. Thisis onlyone of manyadaptations... The Adaptions of the Arctic Fox include but are not limited to...- Coat Change for Camouflage.-Thick fur on feet to keep them warm and above layers of snow.- A big, fluffy tail (especially inwinter) to help keep warm during naps.- Long, agile legs for chasing.- HUGE litters of up to 14 pups at a time.- Furry, small ears help keep warmth in.- The Arctic Fox does NOT hibernate.- Cold tolerance so well designed that theycan remain active in -40 F degree temperatures! In another environment, the Fennec Fox has HUGE ears to keep warmth OUT, rather than tiny fluffy ones to keep the heatin. The Arctic Fox feeds on... Voles, Fish, Birds, Hares, Lemmings,Carrion, Eggs, Berries, Seaweed,Even Owls and Seal Pups onoccasion. Classification: Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Mammalia Order Carnivora Family Canidae Genus Alopex Species Lagopus Classification: Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Mammalia Order Carnivora Family Canidae Genus Alopex Species Lagopus Global Warming would challenge the Arctic Fox. The Arctic Fox is built to ward off the cold and take in heat,but if the environment warmed up it might OVERheat. It would haveto re-adapt, firstly by removing its white coat- heat would makea white coat that hid in the snow become a TERRIBLE camouflage. Map of Adaptions Furry Tail Three different coats for the season Padded feet and agile legs Furry short ears
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