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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 I would give The Coastal Plains a 4 out of 5 as aliving rate because they have plenty of water, fish,and crops. I would give it3 out of 5 for a trade ratebecause they only traded with India, East Africaand lands among The red Sea. I would give The Coastal Plains a 4 out of 5 as aliving rate because they have plenty of water, fish,and crops. I would give it3 out of 5 for a trade ratebecause they only traded with India, East Africaand lands among The red Sea. The Coastal Plains end at TheRocky Cliffs. This feature is a great natural barrier. In the sea they haveplenty of fish to eat, so you wont get hungry during your stay. They have also adapted by growing crops and buildingwells and dams to irrigatefields. By doing this, they can water and grow crops for you like fruits, vegetables, and grains. The Coastal Plains has frequent rainfall. This supplies the peoplethere with plenty of water,so your never thirsty. The air is humid and damp,but not hot. The Arabian Peninsula; Mountains and Coastal Plains The Arabian Peninsula; Mountains and Coastal Plains The Mountains range from1000 to 13000 feet in elevation. This means youcan chose what level ofelevation you want to visitat! Dry riverbeds also run through the mountains. The temperature is cool.That's really good if yourtrying to beat the heat during the summer!The Mountains can alsosometimes frost! They receive 20 inches of rain a year means you will also have plenty of water for your stay! People built irrigation systems in order to water crops. The crops they grew were on flat pieces of land on the hillsidecalled a terrace. If you visit youwill have delicious crops to eat!they also stored water inhallowed out trees. This showshow The Mountains have smartpeople on them who thought to preserve water for others! Thepeople built houses of mud bricks, stones, and sticks.These houses keep you coolduring the day and warm duringthe night! I would give The Mountains a 3 out of 5 for a living ratebecause it has water, crops,and houses built for the temperate. It can also get very cold. I would give it a 1 out of 5 for a trade rate because I could find no information about its trade.
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