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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Annotation Annotation: What, Why, and How? What is Annotation? Annotation is a reading strategy where the reader uses different types of marking on the text as they read in order to better understand the text. Why Annotate a Text? A reader annotates for a variety of reasons, although many readers don't do it inherently. Many readersannotate originally out of instruction, often in a classroom setting. It may seem like an obligation at thisstage, but they can later find that annotation has many benefits that aren't originally apparent. Annotationcan help a reader's ability to read. The marking process lets them slow down and begin to see things,to "stop and smell the roses" in a way. They grasp hidden meanings in the text, and they understand thereading much quicker. The process of reading becomes spelled out, and they see it not as somethingthey're forced to do in an educational environment, but it begins to be an enjoyable and educational process,and annotating while reading can become as natural as using a bookmark. How to Annotate a Text There is no definitive "right" way to annotate a text. All that is necessarily required to call your marking"annotation", is that you mark on the text you're reading. However, most readers who annotate use highlighting, underlining, marginalia (writing in the margins), and symbols to mark important sections,ideas, or footnotes. Many readers develop a system that works for them; annotation requires practice, andsome work will be required to not underline or highlight most of the page, and to be able to effectively graspthe deep meaning, but if a reader keeps trying, they will eventually get it right. Short but sweet,somewhat nonspecific Large paragraphs for an online poster picture. The ending is positive and reassuring
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