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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 (1740-1757)India - British Victories1757 Battle of Plassey,where British defeated a 50,000 Indian army with 3000 troops, winning the fertile Bengal. Imperiali sm (1770s)India - Social ReformThe British local leaders become corrupt, causing the Bengal Famine. Lord CharlesCornwallis made political reform - reducedlocal administrator's power, checkedwidespread corruption, limited Indian involvement in government, supportedwestern education. (1794-1831)Hawaii - EffectsKamehameha created his kingdom and established trade with the European merchants.The introduction of Christianityweakened women status,changed clothing, andbrought a school system. 1800-1898Hawaii - Change & ColonizationAsian migration compensates the loss of native population as laborers for sugar production. As Hawaiian Emperors weakened, farmers wished for USA controlover Hawaii for their economic interests.US Congress formally took over in 1898 (1790s)New Zealand - First DisruptionThe first Europeans were timber merchants and whalers who established settlementson the coast. They introduced agriculture, alcohol, firearms, and Christianity, and caused alcoholism, prostitution, disruption between tribal groups, and diseases that killed much of the native population. (1750s)Java - Resistance & ColonizationSultan Mangkubumi attemptedto restore Mataram's control overDutch land but failed, and Dutchtook control of entire land 1700sIndia - BeginningInitially, the British India Companywas hostile, but began to meddle with conflicts between princes, anddemanded land for their assistance, emerging as India's rival. (1870-1914)Africa - ColonizationBy this time, with their Industrial and military advantage, Europe began conquering Africa. Leaders such as Samory and Ahmadou Sekou resisted, holding back Western force for decades. (1850s)New Zealand - Second Disruption The Europeans began claiming land. The Maoris fought back with only temporarily success. Eventually survives using British laws. (1777-1779)Hawaii - BeginningCaptain James Cook opens Hawaii to the west. ConvinceHawaiian Prince Kamehamehato imitate western ways to unify his kingdom. late 19 - early 20 centuryAfrica - RacismEducation was not supported compared to other colonies because of the idea of White Racial Supremacy. Africans increasingly became dependent on Western global market as they were forced to work on farms with little or no money.
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