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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 An in Depth Look at Broca's Area and Wernicke's Area History: Broca's area was first discovered in 1861 by a French neurosurgeon named Paul Broca. Paul Broca was examining the brains of certain patients with language difficulties when he discovered the purpose of this area of the brain. Broca's Area Wernicke's Area History: Wernickes area was first discovered in 1874 by a German neurologist named Carl Wernickewhile he was examining comprehensionof speech and language. Location: Broca's area is located in the lower portion of the left frontal lobe of the brain. Location: Wernicke's area is located in the left temporal lobe posterior to the auditory complex. Both areas of the brain are connected to each other and are very closely related. Purpose/Functions: Purpose/Functions: Broca's area controls motor functions involved with speech. It also has the following functions:- Facial Neuron Control- Language Processing Wernicke's are is the region of the brain where spoken language is understood. It is in charge of mainly language comprehension but also, semantic processing, language recognition, and language interpretation. Damage: Damage: If this area is damaged, language can still be understood but the person with the damage cannot form words properly or produce speech. The language disorder associated with this area is called Broca Aphasia. Damage to this area causes the person to lose the ability to understand the content and meaning of words. Speech can remain fluent but the idea behind the speech is lost.Wernicke Aphasia is the speech problem associated with this area. In order to speak a word that is read, the information has to first get to the primary visual cortex. From there, information is transmitted to the posterior speech area, including Wernicke's area. From wernicke's area information is sent to Broca's area, and then to the Primary Motor Cortex where it is processed. How We Speak What We Read How We Speak What is Heard To speak a word that is heard, the information travels to the primary auditory cortex. From there the information is transmitted to the posterior speech are,including Wernicke's area. From Wernicke's area, information is sent to Broca's area and the once again sent to the Primary Motor Cortex where it is processed. Sources What Are the Functions of Wernicke's Area of the Brain? (n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2014, from (n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2014, from All pictures were found through google images. By: Aaron Leppert 2nd Hr. Discover the Regions of Your Brain: Broca's Area. (n.d.). Retrieved November 14, 2014, from
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