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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 "Animal Welfare." GRACE Communications Foundation. GRACE Communications Foundation. Web. 24 Nov. 2014. <>. "Quotes About Animal Rights." (134 Quotes). Web. 24 Nov. 2014. <>. Animal Welfare The well being of animals is known as animal welfare. Animal welfare can differ between the wild and farms. One concerning factor of animal welfare is that more and more animal breeding farms are putting profit beforethe health and wellbeing of the animals.The wellbeing of the animals on farms should always be monitored to make sure that they are living in conditions that are appropriate, but that is not always the case. Summary We know we cannot be kind to animals until we stop exploiting them -- exploiting animals in the name of science, exploiting animals in the name of sport, exploiting animals in the name of fashion, and yes, exploiting animals in the name of food. -Cesar Chavez How to lessen our Impacts on Animal Welfare -Buy organic, however, organic standards do not adequately cover animal welfare issues. In addition there are many labels claims that seem to deliver welfare, for example cage free, free range or pasture raise; that do not necessarily mean what you would expect. -know your farmer or local butcher and ask how the animals were raised and if they were slaughtered humanely -look for the animal welfare approved label to make sure the animals were raised freely and socialized . 8 Facts 1. 70 percent (24 million pounds) of the antibiotics used in the United States is added to livestock feed to enhance animal growth. - 2. In 1999, McDonalds Corporation, under pressure from animal advocacygroups for years, finally initiated cattle and pig slaughterhouse audits ofits suppliers and eventually dropped or suspended those not able tomeet the AMI criteria.- 3. Due to inappropriate breeding strategies that favor growth over bird welfare, 90% of broiler chickens have trouble walking. - 4. Ammonia and other gases from manure can irritate animals' lungs. One study of 34,000 pigs found that 65% of the animals had "pneumonia-like lesions" in their lungs.- 5. Farm animals are regulated under the USDAs Animal Welfare Act (AWA) only when used in biomedical research, testing, teaching andexhibition not when they are farmed for food and fiber production. - 6. In the 1960s, the US Congress received more letters from citizens concerned with animal welfare issues than letters concerning civil rights and the Vietnam War.- 7. Today feedlots with 1,000 head or more of capacity comprise less than 5 percent of total feedlots but market 80-90 percent of fed cattle- 8. In all of these situations, cows are kept in high concentrations and often suffer diseases of the feet from standing on concrete or in their own manure-
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