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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 By: Iram Vega and Eugenio Santos Anger 20% 71% 33% Young people who have trouble controlling their anger: People having a friend or family member with anger issues: Internet users having net rage: If you need help ask! Centro de orientación familiar it’s from Nuevo León Unido. This program offers Therapy for a couple for an individual or a family, family orientation, legal advice, and unifying families. Everyone can go to this place from kids to adults. More info: Avenida Morones Prieto 600 Oriente Colonia IndependenciaMonterrey, Nuevo León, MéxicoJefa del programa de Orientación familiarJulia Patricia Santos Morenojmsantos@difnl.gob.mxTeléfono 2020 8355 y 2020 8371 1st 2nd Centroap this program offers Therapy for a couple,for an individual or a family.Av. Anillo Periférico 1514Colonia Colinas de San JerónimoMonterrey Nuevo León, MéxicoLunes a Sabado de 9:00 a 23:00 hrsTelefono: (81) Helpful Tips Informational Facts Relevant Statistics One helpful tip is to think before speaking. Angry people tend to act impulsively without thinking about the consequences. Seek for possible solutions, for exampleif in your soccer team everybody is always late maybe you should reschedule thepractice for later.Use humor to handle your anger might helpas well, looking the reason of your angriness in a funny way. Anger, if well managed, can transformed into a way of doing good actions.Anger causes separation, when angry, people tend to hurt people, scare them away or simply cause chaos among people. Sources: People losing their temper at work: Anger attacks that involving destroying property, threatening others, or engaging in violence:
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