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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Andrew Jackson Andrew Jackson was a war hero of Tennessee who wanted to run for president. He was up against James Monroe secretary of state; John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay of Kentucky. Jackson turned out to be one of the most forceful and intimidating of American presidents. Who is Andrew Jackson? The Election of 1824 Tariffs of Abominations The Election of 1828 -Jackson won the popular vote and John Quincy Adams won the electoral votes-The House of Representative had to make the decision of who won the election-When Clay dropped out of the election that made all of his votes go to Adams - Jackson accused Clay and Adams of "corrupt bargain" -Jackson won the election-Jackson won the election with 56% of the popular vote and 2/3 of the electoral votes- Jackson's owed it all to his campaign manager, Martin Van Buren -Jackson believed in the limited use of federal power, but that states were not sovereign-1832—tariff passed, South Carolina nullified – fear that if government could pass tariff laws they could pass laws to abolish slavery -Jackson threatened to send army The Nullification Crisis -Andrew Jackson wanted to remove Indians to land beyond the Mississippi -Jackson got federal government approval for the Indian Removal Act of 1830-The Cherokee were forced to move west by the U.S Army The National Bank - Jackson opposed The Bank-Jackson didn't like the second bank of 1816- In 1832 Jackson vetoed the "renewal" of the bank-Jackson destroyed the bank by removing the federal deposits-Redrawing the federal funds from the bank was unconstitutional-Funds transferred to state "pet" banks -In 1828, congress chose a very high tariff called "The Tariff of Abominations"-It was designed to promote industry and also to embarrass president Adams Trail Of Tears Citation Lapsansky-Werner, Emma J. Prentice Hall United States History. Upper Saddle River, N. J.: Pearson, 2012. Print.
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