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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Ancient Greece: The Golden Age Social Leader's Biography From 479 to 431 B.C. Greece's Athens experienced a growth in intellectual and artistic learning. During this time, potitics, drama, sculpture, poetry, philosophy, architecture, and science all reachednew heights. These legacies of that time continue to inspire people around the world. This periodin history is know as the Golden Age of Athens. Occupation: Statesman and General Born: 495 B.C. Died: 429 B.C. Historical Importance As a general, Pericles was a strategists and helpedbuild the strongest navy force in the Mediterranean. Family History: Came from a Rich andhigh ranking noble family. His aristocraticfather led the Athenian assembly andfought at the battle of Salemis in the Persian Wars. His mother was the nieceof an Athenian noble who had introducedimportant democratic reforms. Pericles is most famous for his building projects. His greatest work was the "Parthenon" whichtook about 20 thousand marbles to construct. As a politician, Pericles took on powerful council leaders and strip them of their powers which made him very popular with the people. He reformed democracy and created new laws suchas allowing Jurors to be paid. This made it easierfor poor people to serve. Architecture/Art Pericles goal for Athens was to have the greatest Greek artists and architects create magnificent sculptures andbuildings to glorify Athens. One of the masterpiece created was the "Parthenon". It was a 23 thousand square foot building created to honor Athena, the Goddess of wisdom and protector of Athens. The Greeks invented drama as an Art form and builtthe first theaters in the west. It was done both as anexpression of civic pride and a tribute to the gods. There were 2 kinds of them. Tragedy and Comedy.Tragedy features common themes such as love, hate, war, or betrayal. Comedy contained scenessuch as cruel humor. Classes The Citizens, Metics, and Slaves made up the three distinct group of classes. Citizens Metics Born of citizen parents. Resident Aliens - Non Athenians No political privileges Not permitted to own land Other than that had equal opportunities as Citizens. Were treated well Set free fro faithful service. Could work for wages Could own property Could hold minor public official positions. Metics In Common Social and Economy Equality Many poor but few were rich Average wage same for all workers Every one ate same kind of food Every one wore same clothes type Participated in same amusement Set free for faithful service Slaves Population Estimation: Metics: 100,000 Slaves: 140,000 Citizens: 160,000 Language: Greek There were 3 major dialects: Aeolic, Doric,and Ionic. A sub-dialect of Ionic, called Attic, was for centuries the language of Athens. Trading (Goods): Pericles strong Navy didn't just assured protection and safety, but also assureda mean for trading goods using sea ports. Prosperity depended on gaining accessto the surrounding water ways. Athens needed overseas trade to obtained suppliesof grains and other raw materials.. Empire / Map Landmarks The City of Olympia, Ancient Greece Olympia is known for having been the site ofthe Olympic Games in classical times, the mostfamous games in history. The Acropolis of Athens, Greece Acropolis, so called the"Sacred Rock" of Athens, is the most important site of the city and the mostrecognizable monuments of the world. Sparta, Ancient Greece Sparta was a warrior society in which the its culture was centered on loyalty to the state and military service. Agora was a marketplace and civic center in Athens. Also a place where peoplemet to buy and sell commodities, Also a place where people assembledto discuss all kinds of topics:business, politics, etc. Agora in Athens Religion Religion was an important part of the Greek society and they believed in many Gods. Ares Zeus Aphrodite Supreme Ruler of the Gods. God of the Sky His sister Hera was also his wife. Brother to Poseidon (God of the Sea) God of War Son of Zeus and Hera Represents thephysical and violentaspects of war. Athena Goddess of Wisdom Patron of Athens The Parthenon is a temple on the Athenian Acropolis, dedicated to her. Goddess of Love Daughter of Zeus and Dione God of the Sea Earth Shaker Tamer of Horses Brother to Zeus Poseidon Timeline 479 B.C. Greeks defeat Persian army at the Battle of Plateae 477 B.C. Delian league lead by Athens 470 B.C. Socrates, Greek Philosopher is born 465 B.C. Helot revolt against Sparta 461 B.C. First Peloponnesian Wars begin, last until 445 B.C. 460 B.C. Pericles leads Athens through its "Golden Era" 449 B.C. Construction of Parthenon begins on the Acropolis 446 B.C. Thirty-year peace treaty between Athens and Sparta ends first Peloponnesian War 431 B.C. Second Peloponnesian War begins 430 B.C. Plague in Athens 429 B.C. Pericles dies from plague epidemic in Athens 427 B.C. Plato, Greek philosopher is born 432 B.C. Golden Era ends
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