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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Anaximander (610 - 546 BCE) - Was a Miletus school pre-socratic philosopher. - He was born in Ionia (present day Turkish coast) and lived in Miletus where he died.- Anaximander was the first western philosopher to have written down his studies.- He lived at the same time as Thales and is believed to have been one of his pupils.- Was considered the first philosopher by many because he was the first to make useof philosophical arguments. He did not just put forth statement and ideas, but also triedto argue for them. The Origin: The Boundless - All but a single fragment of his writing are lost. Most of the information known about him comes from Aristotle and his student Theophrastus.- The first Greek philosophers were looking for the origin of all things. He didnot agree with Thales' theory that all things derive from water, stating thatif this we so, then long ago everything would have returned to water.- Instead, Anaximander identified it as "the boundless" or apeiron. (derived from "arche" meaning principle and "stoicheion" meaning element.- He argued the boundless is unobservable, unspecific and indeterminable.It is what began the universe and what became the four elements presentto us: earth, air, fire, and water. All this originate from the boundless.- It is reproduced by Aristotle: "Some make this (namely, that which isadditional to the elements) the boundless, but not air or water, lest the othersshould be destroyed by one of them, being boundless; for they are opposite to one another. If any of them should be boundless it would long since have destroyed the others; but now there is, they say, something other from whichthey are all generated." The Sun, Moon, and Stars - He has also worked on fields known today as geography and biology.- Anaximander was the first speculative astronomer and is consideredto be the "Father of Cosmology" and founder of astronomy.- In the model shown Anaximander developed a theory that the Sun,Moon, and Stars to be celestial bodies that circled the earth, which hebelieved to be cylindrical.- As these celestial bodies circled the earth they allowed fire to shine through.- Anaximander's cosmology was profound and innovative and evolvedwith his studies in astronomy and geography. Expand and Discuss After reading this quick lesson on Anaximander answer and discuss these questions: 1. How can the theory of "the boundless"be related to Christianity and the concept of god?2. How has "the boundless" contributed to our understanding of science and the world around us? By: Abner, Ioan, Jaime
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