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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Theme Theme Objective Summary Plot Setting Character Conquer every bad idea, look ahead true friends always have positiveoutlooks. Bad can never destroy good,therefore you should do things as a team and apply everyone's idea for good. Benson Fisher is trapped in a town that is under controlby the school, he wanted to develop a safe and accurate planto get him and all the prisonersout of that terrifying prison, but his plans suddenly stumble down hillso him and Becky become Lion's meatSo, Benson and Becky are incarcerated. However, Benson + Becky= geniuses. In the beginning, Becky warns Benson about many obstacles, Benson decides to continue and get as far as possible.While there journey continued Jane, Becky, Benson, and Isaiah created a plan on escaping Becky offered other possible ways on escaping,however no one payed attention and decided to go there own route. Lastly, they both become detained and stir the pot constantly, but Becky shows up as the intelligent hero. They overcome there problem as a team and create a solution to the problem. Benson escaped from MaxfieldAcademy's deadly rules and brutal gangs,but now Benson is trapped ina different type of prison that is controlledby his old school. He's not alone he's made it this far with his friend Becky. Protagonist: Benson is a great character withlots of personality, however he gets carriedaway at times and obliterates important plans by giving away clues to the people that look after them. 45 90 Red= chances of escaping. Feedback By: Robison Wells Feedback By: Robison Wells Roxanna Velasquez Benson and Becky take over once they destroy the computer and theold man that was ruining every prisoner's lives. Becky and Benson did this as a team and accomplished there goal theyweren't only best friends but became lovers...
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