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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 start from scratch[clears the canvas] Engineer Product Owner Product VisionProduct BacklogMarket StrategyUser Story QA Lead TrackProgress Develop ProductScope the WorkCode ReviewMentor and PairUnit test Customers Scrum Master Facilitate ProcessDrive ImprovementRemove ObstaclesServant Leader Design Deliver Sales Hackathons Technology Support Prioritized BacklogProduct Roadmap Develop Daily Standup Product SpecsDesign SpecsUser Stories Retrospective Execs End Iteration 80% 15% QA 1 Iteration Planning 5 Start Iteration 70% 30% 2 3 Staging { fka: QA } { color branches } Ship The Key to good Agile is in the Retrospective. If you do this welleverything else will fall into place.Each iteration should include a retro to decide what it working and what to improve on. 4 Demo / Release Product BacklogIteration PlanDaily StandupBug TriageTrack ProgressRetrospective 5% Artifacts Quality Complete the iteration commitmentsand deliver shippable software by the end of each iteration. When to shipis a business decision. If not shipping, then should demo to stakeholdersthe working software. All Stories should be well defined and prioritized from Product and Engineeringprior to Iteration Planning. The team will discuss, define, scope, assign, and commit to iteration deliverables. The iteration plan will have demo or release goals to mark it's success. Catch issues early, starting in the iteration plan. Unit test our code. Complete 80% of Testing in QA environment. Minimize code changes between QA to Staging. Time-scoped Staging to ensure quick delivery. Rely on automation to catch the easy stuff. Domains Continuous Integration Keep units of work small and deliverthe completed units to QA. Fosteringearly and often feedback. Peers,QA, and Product feedback ensurewe are focused on high-value andfocused effort to deliver a successfuliteration. QA will execute Feature, Automation, and Exploratory testing in the QA environment.Results will find bugs and prioritize scope. Triage provides data to align the team on the scope that is critical to the work's success. Triage Guilds A self-organized group with a common-interest. They meet on a regularbasis to decide on practices, guidelines,and roadmap items. Guilds include: Android, iOS, API, Agile... A group of cross-functional roles and skills necessaryto design, build, and deliver a product. These teamsare grouped by product line to foster deep customerknowledge necessary to establish mastery of the product domain. Some include: Social, Core, Analytics, Platform, Reliability. Define Test PlansWrite Test SuitesShare Test ReportsCoord. Bug Triage DoubleDutch Agile Process % of Development effortmust be reserved for engineering fundamentals. Engineering Size of a domain team. 3-7 people Size of defined stories and specs for scoping 1-2 Months 2-4 Weeks Iteration time-span SLA for releases to enter an exit staging. Preserved time for learning. Includes Exploratory, DD UniversityLunch & Learns, Conferences, Hackathons 10% Time < 2 Days The key to progress is in the retro action items. Assign areas of improvementfor each iteration. AutonomyMasteryPurpose 2-3 Actions
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