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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Aeneid Book VI Aeneas reaches the Italian coast. He seeks the templeof Apollo to find the Sibyl. The Sibyl warns him that there will be great hardships in Italy. Aeneas says that he haspondered all outcomes, and nothing will surprise him. Start Aeneas request entrance into the underworld. Sibyl says that he must first find a golden branchin a forest, and bury a friendwho died because of himbeing here. Aeneas searches for the branch.With the help of two doves sentby his mother, he finds the branch.It breaks off, and he returns to Sibyl. By Matt and Joe Aeneas enters the Underworld through thegate at the temple alongside Sibyl. Aeneas and Sibyl approach the ferryman Charon. He says no living shall pass, and is mistrustful of Aeneas because the other humans who entered heredid bad things.Sibyl shows the branch andCharon lets them pass. Sibyl feeds Cerebus sleepingdrugs covered in honey, allowing them to pass. Aeneas and Sibyl enter Plains-End.Aeneas talks to Deiphobus, son of Priam,who tells of his death. Aeneas sees a large fortress. Sibyl informs him that this is whereRhadamanthus punishes the worst sinners. Aeneas enters the Blessed Grove. He finally sees his father Anchises. Anchises tells him about the River Lethe. Anchises explains what will come of Aeneas' lineage.He tells of Caesar, Romulus,Pompey and others. Anchiseswalks Aeneas out of the underworld. Aeneas leaves on his ships. Epithet - (line 18)Phoebus - Epithet for Apollothe god of the sun meaningbringer of light. Epic Digression - (14-33)This explains the origin ofthe temple, which Daedalus builtfleeing Minos. Heroic Archetype - (263)Aeneas follows Sibyl to the underworld with "step for fearlessstep". Epithet - (398)Amphyrsian means "belonging to Apollo", is an epithet for Sibyl, a priestess of Apollo. Derived from a river associated with Apollo. Divine Intervention - (190)Aphrodite sends two dovesto lead Aeneas to the golden branch. Epic Simile - (309)"As many as forest leaves flutter down at the first autumn frost"This describes the hectic scenearound Charon. There were many souls begging to cross the river Styx. Epic Simile - (471)"Her face remained unchanged as if carved in granite or flint". Describing Dido upon seeing Aeneas again afterkilling herself and cursing Aeneas. Epic Digression - (550-627)Explains the punishments for the worst sinners, with specific stroies. Epithet - (252)Stygian King refers to pluto.Stygian means relating tothe Styx river, which plutorules over. Epithet - (645)Priest of Thrace refersto Orpheus. Orphic poetry was read by beggar priest inpurification ceremonies. Also these priest lived an orphic life.
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