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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 presents Getting The Data You Need from Adhoc Getting The Data You Need from Adhoc the Code the Code Cracking Cracking The Basics: What Exactly is Adhoc? Data Sources Columns » Billing Transactions» CC Contacts» Timers» Etc. » Contact ID» Client ID» Client Name» Contact Source» Contact Initiated» Contact Type» Outcome» Result» Reason» Contact Minutes» Wrapup Minutes» Billed Minutes» Queue Minutes» Agent ID» Caller ID» Number Dialed (DNIS)» And more... Grouping Order Parameters DisplayOptions Data Structure: Peeling Back the Layers Think of Adhoc like an onion... Database To say that the contact center produces and stores a lot of data is an understatement.In fact, every contact since August 2, 2010 (around 1.3 million to date) is stored in agiant database. And it's not just recordings. There is information ABOUT each contact,such as the type of contact, its duration, its outcome, and the ID of the agent involved(we'll get to those various types of information later).But a big database is meaningless without a means of retrieving that data as needed.And that is where Adhoc comes in! Adhoc is a program built for the exclusive purposeof letting human beings (like you and me) communicate with the database to extractand organize the data into human-readable reports. That sounds pretty simple thusfar, right? Well, it is actually fairly simple! Contrary to popular belief, Adhoc isn't hardto use. To use it successfully, you just need a basic understanding of its basicstructure, and a couple of ground rules to get you started. Let's dig in! Data Source: CC ContactsColumns to Include:Client Name, Contact Type, Contact Initiated, Queue MinutesParameters:Client Name 'In List' Vitamin Health, Inc.Contact Initiated 'Between' 12/01/2013 and 12/31/2013Contact Type 'Equal to' VOICESave and View the Report EXAMPLE: Let's say you want to build a basic report to find theaverage queue time for Vitamin Health in December, 2013.You might set up your report as follows: A report is essentially just a set of columns, which are grouped,ordered and filtered by parameters which you set. A report is essentially just a set of columns, which are grouped,ordered and filtered by parameters which you set. Order:Grouping:Parameters: Display Options: Filtering Reports This sets the default order of your report. For instance,a common ordering method is by the Contact Initiatedcolumn, which sorts your data in chronological order.This option is perhaps the hardest to master, but alsoperhaps the most useful. Use this to create layerswithin your report. For instance, by grouping the firstlayer by Outcome, you might separate inbound callsfrom outbound calls before applying any other grouping.These are the highest level of filtering that one canapply to a report. Parameters dictate which data canbe processed by the report, and which must excluded.Every parameter consists of a column, an operator,and a value. Operators are nothing more than logicalexpressions such as "equal to", "between", "contains"or the most commonly used operator, "in list". Thelast is useful because it lets you pick from all available values in the column, in an easy-to-use list.Here's an example:You are looking to filter out all clients exceptAcme Barbeque, Inc. The parameter's column wouldbe set to "Client Name", the operator would be set to"in list", and you would then choose"Acme Barbeque, Inc." from the list. Hint: Hold the Ctrl button while clicking to select morethan one value from the list.
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