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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Growth International Volunteer Excursions " -Kerry, University of Michigan via exclusive partnership with Central Washington University Accredited Sustainable Development Academic Course And Incubator e: info@givevolunteers.orgp: " To inspire growth, empower global citizens, and ignite sustainable change worldwide. $109K in need and merit based scholarships for students to take the academic course and travel abroad on GIVE trips. Seed money, job/internships resources, and venture capital access for innovative research and market-driven sustainable development start-ups. Earn college credit for stepping out of the classroom and going abroad with GIVE! Why take the course? Interesting, action oriented course | Understand your host community fully | Transferrable to all major universities My trip to Tanzania was by far the most wonderful and life-changing two and a half weeks of my life.Nothing was sugar coated, and between our time getting close with the locals and our academic discussions, we learned of their complicated political, social, and economic situations. This gave me a completely newperspective, and a revitalized motivation to commit my life to the service of people in unjust situations. Do you want to learn about the communities that you are visiting on your GIVE trip, why they struggle with extreme poverty, and how you can make a difference, while getting college credits that count towards your graduation? Do you want to learn about the communities that you are visiting on your GIVE trip, why they struggle with extreme poverty, and how you can make a difference, while getting college credits that count towards your graduation? GIVE and Central Washington University have partnered to create GIVE's academic course addon. You will earn 46 credits for taking action in the real world instead of sitting in a lecture hall! GIVE and Central Washington University have partnered to create GIVE's academic course add-on. You will earn 4-6 credits for taking action in the real world instead of sitting in a lecture hall! It's a fun, interesting way to learn! It doesn't get in the way of the trip,You will walk out of the trip much more informed and prepared to make a difference.You are going on the trip anyway, this is just a small step to make it better.If your adviser approves, you can transfer the credit and be 3-5 steps closer to graduation for $1,200. Sd Sd
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