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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Anti-Social Personality Disorder According to the American Psychiatric Society,it is a diagnosis characterized by a pervasive pattern of disregard for, or violation of, the rights of others without remorse. ... engage in impulsive and aggressive behavior which could lead to several legal problems ... develop an impoverished moral sense or conscience that can prompt them to manipulate and hurt others C. Is at least of age 18? B. Has the following experiences as a CHILD before age 15 ? Do you know someone who habitually... 1. Does not obey laws and conform to social norms by doing behavior that can be grounds for arrest 2. Lies and deceives such as use of aliases for profit or self-amusement. And uses charm or wit to manipulate others, conning them for personal gain or for sheer personal pleasure.3. Impulsive behavior or cannot seem plan ahead before deciding to do something4. Irritable and aggressive; usually assaults or engages in fighting5. Blatantly disregards safety of self and others, unnecessarily takes risks6.Shows a pattern of irresponsibility such as in work behavior7. Feels no remorse or guilt for actions, indifferent to or rationalizes having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another. Intensely egocentric with sense of superiority A. Has a disregard for and violation of others’ rights since age 15? have great difficulty following rules and behaving appropriatelyseemingly disobedient are often viewed by others as "bad" or delinquent - have great difficulty following rules and behaving appropriately-seemingly disobedient - are often viewed by others as "bad" or delinquent Because of Possible Factors: brain damage abuse or neglect genetic vulnerability school failure traumatic life experiences Because of Possible Factors: -brain damage - abuse or neglect - genetic vulnerability - school failure - traumatic life experiences * this group of behavioral and emotional problems in children and adolescents are characteristics of what is known as Conduct Disorder, commonly diagnosed in children before the age of 18 May have the following Behaviors: Aggression to people and animals Destruction of Property Deceitfulness, lying, or stealing Serious violations of rules May have the following Behaviors:- Aggression to people and animals - Destruction of Property - Deceitfulness, lying, or stealing - Serious violations of rules If the answer is yes to all criterion, then... ... the person may have a psychological condition known as This mental condition can lead the affected person to...
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