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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 To improve my academic performance,I will book appoints with a tutor for English at the Seneca Learning Center.Here, I will be able to have a 1 on1 lessonsto improve my reading and writing skills. NADIABEDOKISC100ZHDEC 2014 JOURNEY INTO THE BUSINESS WORLD This field will allow me toexpand my knowledge inthe world of business andconstantly interact andnetwork with new people. My career goal for becominga claims adjuster starts atSeneca College. The BIN program was designed for students interested in theinsurance field. My career goal for becominga claims adjuster starts atSeneca College. The BIN program was designed for students interested in theinsurance field. In the fall I'll be taking 5 courses; Math,Business, English, Principles of Insurance and Seneca Studies. Mybiggest strength is Math and my greatest weakness is English. I hope to end the semester with a GPA of 3.5. SLAFS (Student Leaders of Accounting andFinancial Services) - This group will help improve my leadership and communicationskills.I will also get the chance to build anextensive network by interacting with peers,alumni and industry leaders. Completionof High Schoolin 2011 and recieved OSSD STSA (Seneca Tamil Student Asso.) -This was created to promote Tamil cultureand unity among Tamil students at Seneca.This club will allow me to network and buildrelationships with people in my community. 2014 I plan to do a lot of readingthis semester to helpstrengthen my vocabularyfor English. I also plan to create and use a weeklyschedule to plan my timeefficiently to minimize myprocrastination. ARUN YOGENDRAN'S My plans for next semesterinclude, more participation inmy courses, regularly use anagenda to stay on track, complete all assigned workfor extra practice and makeweekly appointments at theLearning Center for assistancein any course I'm struggling in, "Where do I go from here?" ROADMAP I am attending college nowto pursue my dream careerin the insurance industry. MOTIVATION is what gets you started. HABIT is what keepsyou going. My parents are a hugemotivation for me. They'veworked extremely hard to raise 3 boys. I'd like to retirethem as soon as I can find a promising career. My parents are a hugemotivation for me. They'veworked extremely hard to raise 3 boys. I'd like to retirethem as soon as I can find a promising career. Always wanting to learnmore and continuouslyeducating myself has alsobeen motivation for me. I love to learn, be hands on and discover new ideas. GettingInvolved The library and computer commonsare resources available to all Senecastudents. I can study for courses,research on the web, access librarydatabases etc. The Seneca CareerServices runs variousworkshops. I feel thatthe resume 101 workshop will be verybeneficial for me toenhance my resume writing skills for futurejob applications. 2014/2015 2016 During the reading week,I volunteered in the main officeat my community recreationcenter. This week gave me some hands on experience working in an office environment. CAREER FOCUS Some factors that can makemy plan difficult include workschedule conflicts and lack ofwork experience. I can resolvethese conflicts by adjusting mywork schedule around my courses, and continuing to volunteer or applying for an internship post grad. When the going gets tough... Weaknesses Next steps... " " My main goal after Seneca is towork or find an internship at abank or an insurance company as aclaims adjuster. Although, startingas a claims examiner will give methe necessary experience to moveup higher. INFLUENCES My first semester insuranceteacher, Prof. Najab has beena huge influence on my goal. He's told me the rewards ofthis career and has told me allsemester to work hard for whatI want to achieve. Moving forward... Inside Scoop: Working as a Claims Adjuster
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