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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Thomas Hobbes and John Locke HOBBES LOCKE CRITICISM Philosophy: the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct; the critical study of the basic principles and concepts of a particular branch of knowledge, espescially with a view to improving or reconstituting them. Their Impact on the Growth of Britain Believed that humans are just beings withselfish, competitive base natures. He believed that our existence only served tobalance out life. "War of all against all, andlife is nasty, brutish, and short." Because of their time period, both Hobbes and Locke encountered heavy criticism for their heretical ideas.Hobbes: challenged the authority of government legislative bodies limit, instead of build up, societies kings aren't ordained by God nothing is insubstantial individuals should establish their own individual rightsLocke: advocated religious tolerance, women's rights, and anti-slavery movements moral knowledge is not innate challenged the practice of hereditary monarchies and patriarchalism double click to change this title text! Leviathan -Liberal thought-Sovereign authority-State of nature Believed that there are noincorporeal substances, that everything was matterin motion A Letter Concerning TolerationAn Essay ConcerningHuman Understanding -Empiricism-Knowledge and its limits Tabula Rasa Believed that humans are naturallygood, rational, tolerant, cooperative,social beings. He believed that becauseof this, if each individual rationally sought out their own happiness,society would benefit as a whole
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