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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The Wild Boar Sus scrofa Key Features - color: brown/red/black- large head and front- thick, course fur- very small eyes Nativethroughout Eurasia Green - Native HabitatBlue - Current (exotic) Habitat Population in the U.S. Preferred Habitat - can be found in many biomes, from tropical rainforests to grasslands- prefer broad-leaf, deciduous forests with dense vegitation - they compete with local species such as deer, bears, and squirrels for food- they also eat nests and eggs of birds and reptiles, domestic livestock, and agricultural crops - their burrowing causes erosion, decreased water quality, and harms native vegetation - they can transmit several diseases, such as E. coli, to humans and livestock WIld Boars Harm the Environment Because... - Certain states (but not all) allow public hunting of the boars (or by officials)- government sites provide phone numbers for reporting sightings of the boars- laws that prohibit the import or breeding of boars in that area Method of Control Ecological Restoration Officials, as well as individuals, are working torestore the areas impacted by the boars by following the protocols mentioned below (in order to eliminate the boars). People are also making individual efforts to revive the ecosystems, such as trying to supplement the populations of the species forced to compete with the boars. Sarah DillenderPeriod 312/10/14
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