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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 AML Policy Priorities Group Hosts First In-Person Meeting: Young Appalachians Share Vital Information with Communities about the Abandoned Mine Lands Fund Presentation of findingsfrom continuing partici-pitory research shed lighton past and future AMLissues Who was there? What Information Was Shared? 50 Central Appalachianleaders gathered to learnand share knowledge aboutthe complex AbandonedMine Lands Fund Publishing of awhitepaper withpolicy reccomm-endations that meetthe needs of CentralAppalachian comm-unities for economictransition Next Steps Hosted by The Alliancefor Appalachia and the Appalachian Citizens' LawCenter's AppalachianTransition Fellows Participants traveled fromVirginia, Kentucky, WestVirginia, Tennessee, NorthCarolina, Pennsylvania,Ohio, and Washington DC A panel of AppalachianAML experts discussed their experience workingwith the fund across sectors; all participants brought valuable inputto the meeting Participants leftwith handouts onbasic AML inform-ation to share withtheir communities Presentations andstakeholder engagementto grow the AML PolicyPriorities Group and AMLknowledge in Central Appalachia Exploring campaignopportunities for our communities to influencefuture reauthorization of the AML fund and bea part of the decisionmaking process Brought to you by the Alliance for Appalachia and Appalachian Citizens Law Center Report from AML Policy Priorities Group Meeting: 10/27/14
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