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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Dry AMD : Gradual blurring of central vision Require increase lighting for near workWet AMD : Sudden marked blurring and severe distortion of the central vision (metamorphopsia)End Stage AMD : Visually impaired. VA 696 Central Scotoma (Black spot in the centre of vision) Dry AMD : Gradual blurring of central vision Require increase lighting for near workWet AMD : Sudden marked blurring and severe distortion of the central vision (metamorphopsia)End Stage AMD : Visually impaired. VA< 6/96 Central Scotoma (Black spot in the centre of vision) Age-Related MacularDegeneration (AMD) WHAT CAN YOU DO? Lens Unhealthy Diet Cornea Long-Sightedness Cumulative exposure to Blue Light and UV-rays Prevalence increase with age:50 yo: 10% ------- 70 yo: 30% Women/ Caucasians AMD in One Eye Smokers: 6.6x more than non-smokersEx-smokers: 3.2x more than non-smokers Dry AMD: 2x the incidence as menWet AMD: 7x the incidence as men No intake of:-Anti-oxidants e.g. Berries-Vitamin A, C, E e.g. Carrots (not for smokers)-Omega-3 e.g. Oily Fish, Nuts, Seeds, Olive oil-Lutein & Zeazanthin e.g. Green Leafy Vegetables, Kale, Spinach Hyperopia > 0.75DIncrease risk of Wet AMD up to 2.5x Smoking Obesity/ High Cholesterol Age/ Genetics High BMI/ No control of Blood Pressure and Cholesterol levels Catch the developmentof early! Visit youreye doctor today! Reduce your ! AND Macula withdrusens andpatches of atrophy A deterioration of the eye's macula which is responsible for our central vision. Not all dry AMD will progress to wet AMD. Among the people that has AMD, 90% has dry AMD.,,,,, Currently, there is but it is important to and stop further damage Risks AMD no cure prevent progression Currently there is but it is important toand stop further damage no cure prevent progressions Audrey, Eeling, Jocelyn 2014 Lens Cornea Macula with Drusens and patches of atrophy Retina The Risk?
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