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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Dry AMD : Gradual blurring of central vision, Require increase lighting for near workWet AMD : Sudden marked blurringsevere distortion of the central vision (metamorphopsia)End Stage AMD : Visually impaired. VA 696, Central Scotoma (Black spot in the centre of vision) Dry AMD : Gradual blurring of central vision, Require increase lighting for near workWet AMD : Sudden marked blurring/severe distortion of the central vision (metamorphopsia)End Stage AMD : Visually impaired. VA< 6/96, Central Scotoma (Black spot in the centre of vision) Age-Related (AMD) Macular Degeneration Retina WHAT CAN YOU DO? Lens Unhealthy Diet Cornea Long-Sightedness Cumulative exposure toBlue Light and UV-rays Prevalence increase with age:50 yo: 10% ------- 70 yo: 30% Women/ Caucasians AMD in One Eye Smokers: 6.6x more than non-smokersEx-smokers: 3.2x more than non-smokers Dry AMD: 2x the incidence as menWet AMD: 7x the incidence as men No intake of:-Anti-oxidants e.g. Berries-Vitamin A, C, E e.g. Carrots (not for smokers)-Omega-3 e.g. Oily Fish, Nuts, Seeds, Olive oil-Lutein & Zeazanthin e.g. Green Leafy Vegetables, Kale, Spinach Hyperopia > 0.75DIncrease risk of Wet AMD up to 2.5x Smoking Obesity/ High Cholesterol Age/ Genetics High BMI/ No control of Blood Pressure and Cholesterol levels Catch the developmentof AMD early! Visit youreye doctor today! Reduce your Risks! AND Macula withdrusens andpatches of atrophy A deterioration of the eye's macula which is responsible for our central vision. What is it? Not all dry AMD will progress to wet AMD.Among the people that has AMD,90% has dry AMD. Risk Factors df Currently, there is no CURE but it isimportant to prevent progressionand stop further damage 90%Dry AMD
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