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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 ALTITUDETRAINING This technique is used tohelp endurance athletes At high altitude, the partial pressure of oxygen is reduced. The body adapts to this relative lack of oxygen by increasing concentrationof red blood cells and haemoglobin. A larger concentration of red blood cells meansmore oxygen can be carried by the blood to themuscles,allowing higher performance in aerobic based activities Training Camps... - Acclimatization, Athletes will get used tothe reduced pO2 and must overdo exhaustive training;the athlete also needs to take more time to recover between workouts. This is 3 to 10 days. - Primary Changing, lasting 1 to 3 weeks but can be longer, the aim is to progressivelyincrease the training volume until the intended volume occuring at sea level. - Recovery, lasting 2 to 5 days designed to prepare to return to sea level, recovering completely from fatigue produced by high altitude training, intensity is gradually reduced. UPON RETURNING TO SEA LEVEL...- A positive phase, 1 to 4 days,an increasein the oxygen-carrying capacity- Progressive return, probability of good performance is reduced. Due to altered fitness levels,it improves after several days.- Fitness Peak, 15 to 20 days after return, optimumfor competition, increased oxygen transport and breathingadaptations. HYPOXIC TENT... A 'High Altitude House', modified concentration similar to altitudetraining. Athletes live and sleep inside, using this method resultsin high red blood cells.However it returns back to normal within afew days, there are also limits to how much EPO your body will produce. Some Athletes believe there are negative effects as well,such as altitude sickness where athletes mayexperience nausea, sever headaches shortness of breath and fluid leakage into the brain.
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