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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Prevention: Impact in Mexico ALAS Alliance for the Liberty and Abatement of Slaves ALAS seeks to decrease sex traffickingthrough preventative mechanisms including capacity building and education Programs: Media PartnershipsSecondary & Post Secondary EducationLivelihoods TrainingHeath EducationLocal Partner Innovation Grants Vocational training inbaking,sewing, and nursingto 224 women annually Launched successfulflyer campaignin major bus stationslisting telephonenumbers to trafficking hotlines Partnered with communityradio stations to include humantrafficking awareness in theirdaily programming Funded school bus program that helped 943 students get to school Hosted 11 community forums annually that reached1,230 students and parents Potential Countries for Expansion Ecuador Reached 21,200 individualsat health clinics, providing theminformation about trafficking Provided annual innovation grantsto local shelters for at riskyouth -Low political will-High corruption-Conflict between the DR and Haiti -Difficult INGO registration process Dominican Republic - High political will but inefficient government coordination and planning.- FDI has decreased.- No freedom of press.- In 2010 26 INGOs were shut down -High political will-Established relationship with Casa Alianza-High rate of poverty-Easy and transparent INGO registration process-Increased capacity of Rule of Law-Weak government insitutions-Relatively stable society Guatemala Nicaragua - High political will - Limited economic resources- Excessive barriers to NGO registration- Lack of free press/transparency- Oversaturation of programming
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