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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Arts Integration "Learning through the artsis a method that encourages students to grapple with and express their understandings of subject matter through an art form."(Goldberg 2012) 7 pillars to successin the classroom Arts integration allows for teachers to introduce more group projects. visualreinforcement group projects expression "The arts provide humankind with modes for reflecting on, expressing,and documenting experiences,as well as providing a body of knowledge from which to draw upon."(Goldberg 2012) 20% of selected units will be spent on group collaboration.This time will be provided to simulate projects in the field of study.Projects will be presented to the class and graded.students will write a summary of their experience for time to reflect on the groups effort and lesson learned. Best teaching practices indicate that a visual reinforcementhelps retain information. Allows room for the lesson offer artworks or projects that dive deeper into a specific theme of the lesson.Visuals created will be graded.visuals will be presented to the class. differentiation Altered lessons to fit the needs of individual learners. Tailored assignments reach out to a variety of students. Assignments are customized to learners strengths.Projects will allow for the student to show what they know in various forms of assessment.Teachers will use a wide variety of platforms to teach. Students demonstrate knowledge of lesson through an artwork, dance, musical interpretation or creative writing.Themes are chosen by student and confirmed by teacher.teachers encourage students to go beyond using everyday symbols and themes. Student guided projects to give the students a voice. communication Through the use of writing and visuals students will have the ability to display their thoughts in a different way. Students will write a one page creative story describing what they learned in a lesson, chapter, or unit.A picture will be drawn to go along with the story.Students will have the opportunity to read their fictional story to the classroomor write a summary of classmates stories. creativeprocess A creative mindset challenges the student to be more attentiveto the details as they strive to make something new. Students will brainstorm ideas and draw 3-4 thumbnail sketches.Progress grades will be given for advancement in projectProblems will be assessed and reflected on.An artwork, or visual presentation will be completed at the end of the unit. design Students learn how to arrange the elements and principles of art to express what they have learned. A worksheet will be completed covering the elements and principles of art.Composition notes will be given for a quiz.Students will use the elements of art along with a good composition to create an artwork that will display 3-5 principles of art. incorporating the 7 pillars into each area of study Science: Math: Using grid paper students will create an abstract design by filling in squares. Each student will use estimationto fill in 50-60% of the boxes.Whoever is the closest will have their design chosen for their group to use colored post it notesto create the design on a wall. Students will work in groups to create a poster sized representation of cells seen through a microscope.Artworks will be displayed in the classroom Students will work in groups to create a poster sized visual representing different cells seen under a microscope.Artwork will be hung in the classroom English: Students create a drawing based on a specific theme in a book.A composition worksheet will be reviewed. Students are graded on their translation to the specific them, not just on technical skill. Have they dug deep enough to come up with an answer to the theme? History: Student can create the different American flags with fabric and glueto represent the evolution of our country. A poem or short creative story can also be written to describe how that student feels about different people,places, and eras in our country's history. English: Phys. E.D: Students can draw a diagram of a basketball courtto represent different vocabulary terms. They can also place different shapes on the drawingto represent the correct possitioning of the players Students can create non objective works of artto show different emotions they feel while reading a book. Narrow in on one chapter or event for some studentsor give them a range of emotion for the whole book. Students will be taught different line strokes that represent feelings and 2-3 examples will be shown of non objectiveartwork. After the lines are drawn students can color.Artwork should be hung in the room and have a conversation about emotions that were evoked by the book. World Language: Students write a poem or song in English then try to translate. If there are areas that do not translate well they will have to deconstruct and formulate a new path. Biology: A life cycle of a butterfly or a picture describing different weather patterns can be matched with a poem. One theme forthe poem can be how there is a begining middle and ending in a process. Engineering: After designs for a mock building have been finalizedstudents can sketch different angles of the building using charcoal. These drawings will be accompanied by a creative story aboutthe life of the building. Reading: Write a short creative ending to an existing story.Draw one of the main characters in the final setting.Allow the students time to read stories to the classor in small groups. Math: Using a compass, students can create overlapping circles. This is a great way to work on estimation.Have them color the crossover shapes.Fill the paper with circles and color. Put all artworks together side by side and hang on the wall. Ask students to estimate the %of different colors they see. Students set up square and rectangle blocks. Sketches are drawn of the still life.An abstract downtown/building scene is then created by the students as they add people and events.Show artworks by Romare Bearden. Sociology: History: Students use vertical, diagonal, and horizontal linesto create movement in a drawing about transportation.Different types of vehicles, planes, and bikes can be added to show how different people get around.Show artwork: Broadway Boogie Woogie, by Piet Mondrian. Political Science: Students design a new flag for the United Nations Council.Then flag will represent what the student has learned about the inner workings of the council, and the countries involved. Reference: Cornett, C. E. (2015). Creating meaning through literature and the arts: Arts integration for classroom teachers. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon/Pearson.Goldberg, M. (2012). Art integration: a methodology for learning. In Arts integration (4th ed., pp. 1-30). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. A foundationfor growth ineducation.
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