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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 What Rolls & ResponsibilitiesDoes A Director have? A director issomeone whosupervises,directs,controls,manages,consistent,persistent,self-confident,helpful,understanding,creative,generous,gentle, polite,patient, andinnovative.Their job includeshiring talent,selecting scriptsand other material,and managing thework of crews andcasts. Theyoversee the workof set designers,costume designers,makeup artists,actors, newsanchors, broadcastmeteorologists,camera operators,reporters, writers,audio and videoequipment technicians,and film andvideo editors. Theycollaborate withproducers towhom theytypically report.A director is amember of agroup of peoplechosen to controlor govern theaffairs of aninstitution orcorporation.He/she is aperson whosupervises thecreative aspectsof a dramaticproduction or filmand instructs theactors and crew.Also, he/she isthe conductor ofan orchestra orchorus. Thedirector usuallyreports directlyto a VicePresident or tothe CEO. Incompanies withadvanced rankswithin director,the next rank isusually SeniorDirector, followedby ExecutiveDirector. Largeorganizationsalso sometimeshave AssistantDirectors.Director commonly refersto the lowestlevel of executivein anorganization, butmany largecompanies aredesignating titlesof AssociateDirectors more frequently. How A Director's Life Would Be: On a typical daya director'stasks mightinclude:-Auditioning andcasting aproduction, such as amovie ortelevisionshow.-Interviewing andhiring a crew whichincludes cameraoperators, stagehands, film editors,costume designers,makeup artists, setdesigners, and others etc.-Collaborating withthe producer, writersand crew.-Givinginstructions to thecast and otherpersonnel. -Directinglive broadcasts, it alsoincludes news programs.-Selecting scripts fortelevision shows ormovies, or choosingstories to be reported onnews programs. Are All Directors Famous? Not all directs are famous,and many of them arenteven involved with movies.Instead, they work in othervenues in the entertainmentindustry, like TV shows, thetheater, broadcast, and cablenews programs. Movie,television, stage and newsdirectors are charged withmaking sure the creativeaspects of the productions forwhich they are responsiblerun smoothly. How Much Money They Make? In the beginning of their careers,directors often make nothing (zero),but you start to make money onceyou start doing some work. Thosewho had full time jobs directingmovies, television shows, newsprograms and stage productionsearned a median salary of $70,660in 2011 (U.S.). An ordinarycompany's director is said to earnapproximately 20,000 to 50,000 peryear. According to the The Bureauof Labor Statistics the median wageof directors for motion picture, stage,television, video and radio productionsis $32.08 an hour. According, the salary for a filmdirector is $84,000 per year. A newmovie director is able to earn upwardsof $200,000 a year, while highlysuccessful directors are able to earn$500,000 or millions per film in somecases. The Bureau of Labor Statisticsshows the median price for all types ofdirectors is $66,720 a year. In the beginning of their careers,directors often make nothing(zero), but you start to makemoney once you start doingsome work. Those who had fulltime jobs directing movies,television shows, news programsand stage productions earned amedian salary of $70,660 in 2011(U.S.). An ordinary company'sdirector is said to earnapproximately 20,000 to 50,000per year. According to the TheBureau of Labor Statistics themedian wage of directors formotion picture, stage, television,video and radio productions is$32.08 an hour. According, the salary for a filmdirector is $84,000 per year. Anew movie director is able toearn upwards of $200,000 a year,while highly successful directorsare able to earn $500,000 ormillions per film in some cases.The Bureau of Labor Statisticsshows the median price for alltypes of directors is $66,720 ayear. What Are Some OpportunitiesTo Be A Director In Regina? -Executive Director:Operations Management-Maintenance Technician:Technician.-Premise Technician:Technician.-Warehouse Manager:Supply Chain. Would You Have ToRelocate For Your Job? It depends on what job youget as a director to relocate.It also depends if you put iton your application for the job. Other RequirementsTo Be A Director: To get a job as a director,you must be positive,make films, know yourself,work on your CV andcovering letter, beware ofexploitation, network, usesocial media, good health,and able to work in astressful environment.A successful directormust be an excellentcommunicator. He or shemust be able to conveyclear instructions to thecast and crew of aproduction. Misunderstoodinstructions can lead tocostly errors. Because heor she must get a team ofpeople in various occupationsto work together, a directormust also be a strong leader.In addition, creativity is anecessary skill as he or sheis called upon to interpretwriters' and producers' visions. Abilities & SkillsYou Must Have: To land a director-levelposition, you musthave the technicalabilities, people skillsand knowledge toresolve difficultsituations. Directorsare leaders who usetheir skills to maketough decisions, evenwhen circumstancesaren't ideal. Accordingto the University ofWisconsin Center forCooperatives, directorsoften report to boardmembers, so theymust be prepared toaddress how they'vemanaged lazyemployees, maintainedbudgets andencouraged companygrowth. During theinterview, it's best toexpress yourwillingness to submitto your superiors.Explain your technicalskills and discussdecision-makingstrengths, such asyour ability to respondwell under pressure,solve problems withinnovative solutionsand motivate employees. Communication SkillsYou Must Have: When you apply for a job as adepartment director, you don'tnecessarily need to have anextroverted personality or agregarious management style,but you do need to be able tocommunicate effectively withsubordinates, superiors andcoworkers. You must convincethe hiring manager or boardmembers that you have theability to interact with employeesand clients on a professional andfriendly basis. This might requirefollowing up on important clientconversations, promoting companyvalues, training employees andlistening to coworkers' suggestionsand complaints. A director must beapproachable and have strongcommunication skills, while earningthe respect of work associates. Management Experience: If you've had previous experience inmanagement, it will benefit yourapplication and interviewing processfor a director-level position. Elaborateon your experiences and stress yourability to oversee subordinates, completeprojects in a timely manner, manageresources and maintain a budget.When you're interviewing for your firstdirector job, you might discuss waysyou'd work to create a connection withsubordinates and ensure that workersare well-informed and accountable forjob-related tasks. You might also explainhow you'd develop procedures forallocating funds and resources todepartments and build relationships withclients, students, customers or patients. Experience/Skills Required: -Ability to respond and interact with staff at alllevels of the organization.-Proven verbal and written communication andpresentation skills within a senior leadershipcapacity.-Demonstrated (ability to lead) senior leadershipcapabilities in planning, managing, implementing,problem solving and exercising judgment in decision-making.-(Excellent organizational and analytical skills) Provenability to define diverse organizational requirements,financial parameters, resolves issues, identify andmitigate operational risks, and develop long-range plans.-(Excellent interpersonal and communications skills)Sound business acumen and ability to develop andmaintain mutually beneficial relationships with internaland external stakeholders and business partners.-Superior conflict resolution, negotiation and peopleskills.-Flexible, innovative and the ability to manage staff whohave responsibilities and priorities in a fast pacedgrowth oriented environment.-Proficiency in the use of computers and applicablesoftware. As directors become more experiencedthey are sometimes hired to work onlarger and more complex productions.This may come with higher pay andmore prestige. Advancement Opportunities: Industry &Annual Wages: -Motion Picture and Video Industries$108,580.-Radio and Television Broadcasting$74,190.-Cable and Other SubscriptionProgramming $86,680.-Performing Arts Companies $56,400.-Advertising, Public Relations, andRelated Services $109,000. EducationalRequirements: While this occupation has no formaleducational requirements, many whoaspire to it choose to earn a bachelor'sdegree in journalism, communications,writing or acting. Stage directors oftenhave more specialized training. Many ofthem have earned bachelors or master'sdegrees of fine arts, having majored intheater. Other EducationRequirements ToGet A Job As ADirector Are: -University degree in businessadministration or similar discipline.-Experience in a fast pacedoperations environment.-Minimum 5 years operationalmanagement experience ina senior management capacity. Film Schools: -American Film Institute - AFI's conservatory features graduate programs in cinematography,directing, editing, producing, production design and screenwriting.-Boston University College of Communication - Prepares students for success in either theprofessional or academic world in the interrelated fields of film, television and new media.-Columbia University Film School - Located in New York, Columbia University offers MFAprograms in Screenwriting/Directing and Creative Producing; an MA program in Film Studiesand the undergraduate degrees in Film Studies.-Los Angeles Film School - Located in the heart of Hollywood, the Los Angeles Film Schooloffers Associate of Science Degree Programs in Film, Game Production, and ComputerAnimation designed and taught by industry professionals.-Loyola Marymount University Schools of Film and Television - Offers undergraduate andgraduate programs in Film & Television Production, Screenwriting, and more.-Motion Picture Institute of Michigan - Offers a Motion Picture Production Program that isentirely hands-on, and designed and taught by film professionals.-The New School for Public Engagement - Offers courses in Media Studies and Production,Film Studies and Production, Film and Media Business, Screenwriting and graduate programsin Media Studies and Film.-New York Film Academy - Offers hands-on training and undergraduate and graduate programsin film-making.-NYU/Tisch School of the Arts - Offers undergraduate and graduate programs in the performingand cinematic arts.-UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television - The study of theater, film, television and digitalmedia is integrated within a single professional school where the approach to instructionseamlessly combines theory and practice.-UCLA Extension-Entertainment Studies - Offers choices that range from single courses to a fullcertificate programs in Directing, Acting, Cinematography, Development, Producing, Business &management of Entertainment and more.-USC School of Cinematic Arts - Offers programs in Animation & Digital Arts, Critical Studies,Interactive Media, Film & Television Production, Producing, and Writing.-University of Texas at Austin Department of Radio-Television-Film - Offers undergraduate andgraduate programs in Film & Television Production, Film Studies, Screenwriting, and more. A Directors' Life Courses to TakeIn High SchoolFor It: -Help out in high school and local theaterproductions as an assistant director,stage manager, assistant stage manager,or stage crew.-Take drama and theater classes in highschool. If these classes are at school,take it at an acting class at a communitycenter.-Build excellent analytical skills in English.Interpreting the script is a central directingtask.-Act, dance, and sing in high schoolproductions.-Perform with local community theatergroups.-Attend acting camp or summer workshopsfor aspiring directors. What Are The ChallengesThat Will Happen In ThisCareer: The challenges that can be faced asa director is stress, trying tobalancing a budget, and the wholeset to rely on you, so if you dosomething wrong it is all on you. Are There Any JobsIn Regina? Yes, there are some jobs asa director in Regina. It depends on what kind of directoryou become to get paid, it isdepending on how big the movie is,and where you went to director school.The money shouldnt be the same toget paid somewhere else, unless themovie is that big. Would You Get Paid TheSame If You Worked InDifferent Places AroundThe World? There are ten best places to relocate for a filmdirector. In Canada it is Toronto, Montreal, andVancouver. The United States it is Los Angeles,New York City, Texas, and San Francisco. InItaly, its Rome. In France, its Paris. In England,its London. Where Would The Best Place To BeIf I Had To Relocate For This Job? Am I Interested In Living Theseplaces, Why Or Why Not? Yes, because you get to travel to differentplaces in the world that has really goodthings to become a director. Do you have what it takes to work in this career do you feel you are a perfect fit for a joblike this (think of personality and interest level), explain why or why not? If you answer no,why did you pick this career? Did this assignment change your mind? No. I don't think that I would be perfect for this job, because I don't like taking drama classes orperforming on stage if I am in a play. The reason why I picked this career to work on is; I wantedto know what my life would be like if I chose to be a director as my career choice. It didn'tchange my mind that I would want to be a director. I would never want to be a director,because I just found out what classes I would have to take, and they are classes thatI don't like taking.
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