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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 have led to widespread famine,which went on from July 2011 to February 2012. The erratic weather and volatile political situation in the country led to a massive exodus of Somalis to countries like Ethiopia and Kenya. Merciless, cruel, careless fishermen resulting in over fishing leads to extinction. Number of Peoplewho are in critical condition:4 Million (BBC) At Risk of Death:750,000 (BBC) Fled the country as eco-diaspora refugees:1 Million (BBC) Sept 2011 July 2012 Al-Shabaab, the militaryinsurgents linked Al-Qaeda banned at least 16 humanitarian aid agenciesacross Somalia, worsening the Famine situation(Guardian, Oct 8, 2012) deaths of tens of thousands affected four million people According to United Nations figures, the Somalia famine in 2011 caused the and more than half of the population. MAYDAY MAYDAY!NO MORE FISH IN THE SEA! have led to widespread famine,which went on from July 2011 to February 2012. The erratic weather and volatile political situation in the country led to a massive exodus of Somalis to countries like Ethiopia and Kenya. Did you know that over 100 million sharks are killed? of big fishes are gone and murdered. 90%
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