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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 19:40:41 2.5% 20:00:00 2.65% 20:05:00 The explosion 20:05:00 The explosion 20:03:00 2.9% The world standard threshold percentage of methane gas is per cubic meter. This threshold is per cubic meter in Turkey. 19:40:19 1.5% On 3 March 1992, in ZonguldakKozlu, a methane gas explosion inIncirharman mine caused deaths out of 600 miners. On 3 March 1992, in Zonguldak/Kozlu, a methane gas explosion inIncirharmanı mine caused deaths out of 600 miners. "Safety First" is what is written on everyentrance of a mine in Zonguldak, yeteach disaster reveals how precautionsare left behind.[1] 2% The explosion 1,850 feetbelowthe surface causeda 1 1/2-square-mile portionof the Incirharmani mine tocollapse, said Ozer Olcer,the head of Turkey's state-owned Coal Enterprise.[3] Incirharmanı mine has been used after the incident on 3 March.Moreover, another accident which caused the death of 8 minerstook place on 8 January 2013.[4] using labor of deceased miners' children.[5] '92 ZONGULDAK '92 ZONGULDAK WHAT IF... it happened in Canada: [1]Topaloğlu, Deniz, Birol Üzmez, and Ahmet Şık. "Zonguldak Cehennemi." Cumhuriyet Gazetesi 5 Mar. 1992: 1. Print.[2]Cowell, Alan. "200 DEAD IN BLAST IN A TURKISH MINE." The New York Times. 4 Mar. 1992. Web. 29 Nov. 2014. <>.[3]"Turkish Mine Toll Up to 121; 150 Trapped." Los Angeles Times. 5 Mar. 1992. Web. 29 Nov. 2014. <>.[4]Ercan, Ersin. "Türkiye'deki Büyük Maden Kazaları." DHA. 14 May 2014. Web. 29 Nov. 2014. <>.[5]"Faciadan Kurtulan 5 Işçi Hâlâ çalışıyor." Milliyet. 2 Mar. 2013. Web. 29 Nov. 2014. <>. [7] [8] [1] 3% 3% [9] The computer which measuresthe methane gas percentage in the mineannounced the danger 25 minutes before the explosion.[1]Methane gas concentration in the pit had increased rapidlyin 15 seconds and the blast occurred before the detectoralarm could sound," a mine union leader, Semsi Denizer, said.[2] [7] 263 263 The explosion in Kozlu,Turkey, was the fifth andby far the most lethalblast since 1945 at themine. Previous accidentsthere have killed 107.[3] The mine is still functioningtoday Westray mine in Canada, Plymouth had an accident inwhich 26 miners died due to an explosion on 9 May 1992.The mine was permanently closed after the accident. Atrial was held against to managers on account ofmanslaughter and criminal negligence causing death.[6] [10] [6]"Natural Resources General - 1992: The Westray Mining Disaster." <i>CBC Digital Archives</i>. CBC/Radio Canada, 3 Nov. 2014. Web. 29 Nov. 2014.<>.[7]"Tarihte Maden Kazaları." Tarihte Bugün. Web. 29 Nov. 2014. <>.[8]Topaloğlu, Deniz, and İdris Akyüz. "Kim Yalan Söylüyor?" Cumhuriyet Gazetesi 6 Mar. 1992: 1. Print.[9]"Kozlu Faciasıyla İlgili Ön Rapor." Madencilik Bülteni 17 (1992): 6. TMMOB Maden Mühendisleri Odası. Web. 29 Nov. 2014.<>.[10]"Ateş De Su Da Toprak Da Hava Da Onları Vurdu." Hürriyet 29 Oct. 2014.Web. 29 Nov. 2014. <>.
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