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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Gradients of Agreement Scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1: Whole-HeartedEndorsement"I really like it." 2: Agreement with aMinor Point of Contention"Not perfect, but it'sgood enough." 3: Support withReservations"I can live with it." 4: Abstain"This issue doesnot affect me." 6: Don't Like ButWill Support"It's not great butI don't want to holdup the group." 7: SeriousDisagreement"I am not on board with this - don't count me in." 5: More DiscussionNeeded"I don't understandthe issues wellenough yet." 8: Veto"I block thisproposal." Considerations For the Appropriate Level of Support 1. Overall Importance of the Result: Are the stakes so high that failure would be severe?2. Expected Longevity of the Result: Is the decision easily reversible?3. Difficulty of the Issue at Hand: Tougher issues deserve more time while routine decisions do not.4. Need for Stakeholder Buy In: How many people have a stake in the outcome? The more people, the more time and support needed.5. Empowerment of Team Members:Members expected to use their own creativity and energy to implement a decision need to be supportive of that decision. Kraner, S. (2014). Facilitator's guide to participatory decision-making. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons/Jossey-Bass. How to use the "Gradients of Agreement Scale" 1. Write the proposal on a board or flipchart for everyone to see.2. Check to see that everyone understands the proposal.3. Ask for any final revisions in the wording of the proposal.4. Draw a "scorecard" below the proposal. (Example to the right.)5. Define the gradients. (For example: "Number 1 means 'I really like it," 'Number 2 means...'etc."6. Ask the group, "On this proposal, where do each of you stand?"7. Capture everyone's position on the scorecard.
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