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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 How to get the best from 3. 4. People in your network can and will endorse your skills. It is a great way for the person you are trying to connect with to see what you are about and what others rate you for. They can also furnish you with testimonials use them! And return the favour! Lorem ipsum etsecor dolor. Make your Headline Shine! Have a great summary Make sure your profile explains what you want. Do you need to get in touch with potential partners, suppliers, clients or employers? If you are asking to meet with someone, they will wantto know who is asking. If you are wrapped up in Ski googles and negotiating moguls you may get a nod of appreciation however it less likely they will be able form an instant connection with you The Heading is a great way to communicate what you are about. Remember to keep it brief, keep it interesting!If you are stuck, have a look at the "See what others are using in your industry" tab. The trick is to remember, the summary is not about the company youown or work for. It is about you, the whole you and nothing but you. Use this space to summarise your experience, skills, personality and why Linking-In with you would be of benefit. Be clear Lorem ipsum etsecor dolor. Lorem ipsum etsecor dolor. Lorem ipsum etsecor dolor. double click to change this title text! 5. Show your face 2. Linkedin is arguably the most important social site for communicating business to business. Here are 5 things that will help you build a solid profile 1. List your skills and get endorsed for them
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