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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Anti-Federalists Federalists vs. Views on Articles of Confederation Views on Constitution Views on Bill of Rights Views on Powerful Central Government vs. Powerful State Government They felt it was not strong enoughto support the new government sothey decided they needed a new plan for government They felt that the Articles just needed to be amended Views on Constitution Views on Bill of Rights Views onPowerful Central Government vs. Powerful State Government Supported the Constitution completely Did not think Bill of Rights was neededuntil certain states wouldn't signwithout a Bill of Rights Felt that the central government should get more power and that it should be supreme over the state governments Saw some flaws within the Constitution Felt it needed one so that laws could be added later on when they were needed Federalists Furious that the central government got so much power and they felt that states should have more power and responsibility Anti-Federalists Views on Articles of Confederation Sites: Views on Size of Nation They felt a large republic would be the best thing for the nation Views on Size of Nation They wanted a small republic for the nation Type of Supporters Large farmers, merchants, artisans Type of Supporters Small farmers, people from rural areas Views on Executive Branch Views on Executive Branch Wanted the Legislative Branch to be strongerthan the Executive Branch. Wanted an Executive Branch that couldcheck the Legislative Branch through vetoing
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