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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Views on Constitution Federalists The supporters of the proposedConstitution called themselvesFederalists. Federalists favoredthe creation of a strong federal government that would moreclosely unite the states as onelarge, continental nation. Theyfocused their arguments on the inadequacies of national governmentunder the Articles of Confederationand on the benefits of national government as formed by the Constitution. The federalists believed that the greatest threat to the future of the US didn't lie in the abuse of central power,but instead could be found in what they saw as the excesses of democracy. Anti-federalists The anti-federalists were a diverseunion of people who opposedratification of the Constitution. ToAnti-federalists the proposedConstitution threatened to lead the US down an all-too-familiar road of political corruption. They believed the greatest threatto the future of the US laid in the governmentpotential to become corrupt and seize moreand more power until its oppressive rulecompletely dominated the people. Bill of Rights Federalists The Federalists are supported the Constitution and tended to be supported by merchants and urban areas. They wanted to ratify the Constitution. They felt that the Bill of Rights wasn't necessary, becausethey believed the Constitution as it stood onlylimited the government not the people. The Federalists argued for > three branches of government filled with "reputation" > they wanted a strong central government > wanted a president to lead executive branch> No Bill of Rights Anti-federalists The Anti-federalists did not want the Constitution passed and are supported by small farmers and rural settlers. The Anti-federalists didn't want to ratify the constitution. They claimed the Constitution gave the central government too much power, and without the Bill of Rights the people would be at risk of oppression. The Anti-federalists argued for < states should have power< wanted the legislative branch to be strongest branchof government< feared a strong president in office Views on powerful central government vs. powerful state government Federalists The Federalists wanted a strong central government.They believed a central government was necessary if the states were going to band together to form a nation. Theyalso believed a strong central government could bestprotect individual citizens rights and freedoms. They werenot afraid of the central government created by the Constitution because it had the three branches. Anti-federalists The Anti-federalists wanted a small government. They believed local governments best understood what the citizens needed and would best protect citizens freedom. They opposed the Constitution they thought limited the power of the states. They feared strong central government would overpower state governmentsand eventually state governments would lose their independence. Views on Articles of Confederation Federalists The Federalists wanted to ratify the Constitution.The Federalists opposed the Articles of Confederation because they viewed them as weak and ineffective. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay wrote a series of essays designed to alleviate the Antifederalists’ fears. These essays came to be known as the Federalists Papers. The federalists argued that limitations on governmental power were built into the Constitution with a series of checks and balances. In these essays they also explained the need for centralized government so the United States could earn the respect of other countries. Anti-federalists The anti-federalists didn't want to ratify the Constitution They believed that the the Articles of Confederation shouldbe amended, not abandoned. The arguments against ratification have become known as the Anti-Federalist Papers. They contain warnings of dangers from tyranny that weaknesses in the proposed Constitution did not adequately provide against, and while some of those weaknesses were corrected by adoption of the Bill of Rights, others remained, and some of these dangers are now coming to pass. Views on size of the nation Federalists Anti-federalists The Federalists believed that a large republicwas seen as the best protection for individual rights. They believed in a largenation. The Anti-federalists believed that only a small republic could protect rights. They believed in a small nation. Type of Supporter, general and specific people Federalists Anti-federalists Most federalists were large bankers, landowners, farmers, merchants, and artisans. The Federalists were well educated, wealthy people. Many of the most talented leaders of the era who had the most experience in national-levelwork were Federalists. For example: Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Jay, James Madison, John Adams,and Thomas Jefferson. Most Anti-federalists were small farmers often from rural areas,landowners, and many that were in support of state governments.They had an impressive group of leaders who were especially prominent in state politics. For example: James Winthrop,Melancton Smith, Patrick Henry, Roger Sherman, Richard Henry Lee, and George Mason. Views on Executive Branch Federalists Anti-Federalists Federalists praised Presidency. They believed America neededa separate President with executive powers to enforcefederal laws and conduct foreign policy. They compared The president to the British monarch, The Anti-fedralists believed that the President would becomea king. Also, if the President would have too much influenceover legislation through his veto power.To them the Presidentspower was dangerous. Websites
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