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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 GESTALT THERAPY double click to change this title text! "I am not in this world to live up toother people's expectations, nor do Ifeel that the world must live up tomine."--Fritz Perls GOAL: Fritz Perls and wife Laura Perls developed Gestalt Therpy Key Elements: Experiential -The client is asked to understand about what and how they are thinking, feeling, and doing -The person is asked to take responsibility for their identity. -Help client be aware of whathe or she is doing andexperiencing Awareness -It is an existential or phenomenological approach-Increase client's awareness. -Clients are expected to do their own seeing,feeling, sensing, & interpreting Existential Phenomenological Basis Gestalt View of Human Nature Goal of becoming strong enoughto proceed with ones own personal growth. The more a person tries to be who they are not, the morethey stay the same. -Problems begin when a person tries to bewho or what he or she isnt -Change takes place when a person is more aware of who and what he or she is. Change takes place when a person is moreaware of who and what he or she is Problems begin when a person tries to be who or what he or she isnt -Focus on client's perception of reality. Enhances Client needs to be in their current position and be aware of what they are. Clients will gain awareness of what they are experiencing & doing now Awareness Freedom Self Direction
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