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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 start from scratch[clears the canvas] Use dailygratitudecards Practicethanks for your meal Hold a birthdaygratitude ritual/celebration Practicea gratitude breath prayer Place a gratitudeevocative wordcard in sight Start agratitudejournal Send notes,cards & lettersof gratitude Thank yourbody with amassage ora bath ritual Move &dance with gratitude Hold agratitudeceremony/ritual Say thankswith a random act of kindness Practice agoodnightgratituderitual Send aprayer of thanksto people whoinspire you. Give thanks& appreciationto yourself Make agratitudegarland, tree or jar Make agratitudeplaylist Read bookson cultivatinggratitude Build a gratitudeboard Gratitude is an affirmationthat there are good things in life and it's an affirmation ofrelationships with peoplewho give us good things.Thnx4Org Let us be grateful to the peoplewho make us happy; they arethe charming gardeners whomake our souls blossom.Marcel Proust For those who practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect toward others.Dalai Lama A growing body of research shows thatgratitude is truly amazing in its physical and psychosocial benefits.University of Texas Health Science Center Today I am grateful for... If you've forgottenthe language ofgratitude, you'll neverbe on speaking termswith happiness.Ocean Robbins Greater interconnectedness Good healthGoal achievementMore energyBetter sleepMore generousLess judgementalBetter sharersUCA Gratitude Research Those who kept ajournal and detailedtheir gratitude were 25% happier thanthose who did not.UCA GratitudeResearch Practicing gratitudedecreasesdepression. double click to change this header text! People who practicegratitude are lessself-centred. Benefits of Gratitude Quotes About Gratitude 20 Ways to Practice Gratitude Gratitude turns what we have into enough.Melody Beattie The single greatest thingyou can do tochange your lifetoday would be tostart being gratefulfor what you haveright now.Oprah Gratitude is an opener of locked-up blessings. Marianne Williamson © Copyright Jodie Gale 2013 | | Find value,meaning &purpose out of suffering Use a specialobject as a seedfor gratitudemeditation
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