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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Migrant Rights Centre Ireland: Casework 2014 2,076 cases. 109 nationalities. Labour rights, work permits,family reunification, citizenship, exploitation, homelessness,discrimination, health, travel,education, racism and more:our caseworkers providesupport, advice & expert infoon a huge range of issuesall year round - for free. Each figure on this map marks the country of origin of at least 1 person who accessed MRCI services in 2014. No one came from Antarctica. female male other/notstated Gender Top 10 job sectors 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 Agriculture Care Cleaning & Maintenance Construction Domestic Work Hotel & Catering Restaurant Security Self-Employed Retail Current immigration status 50 100 150 200 250 300 Mauritius Pakistan Brazil China Top 5 countries of origin Undocumented Irish Citizen Various other Stamp 2 Stamp 4 EU Citizen 8% 18% 32% 16% 18% 9% Many of the people we assist are parents, working to support children here or abroad.In 2014, the parents of 917 children in Ireland accessed MRCI services, and we also assisted the parents of a further 607 children living outside the State. In 2014, most new cases (1,252) first made contact in person in MRCI's Drop-In Centre. A further 532 reached us by phoning our national helpline (01 889 7570). 129 got in touch via email ( or Facebook. Philippines Others were referred to caseworkers through MRCI campaign groups or partner organisations. 80% of cases opened in 2014 are now closed, thanks to the hard work of our caseworkers: 2015 - we're ready for you! Jehan, Paloma, Qinfei, Camilla, Gemma, Helene and of course Sancha. Stats from our Drop-In CentreJanuary - December 2014
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