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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 start from scratch[clears the canvas] THE CONTENT PROCESS WHAT IS CONTENT? "Content is something that is to be expressed through some medium, as speech, writing or any of various arts." Content basically is information that provides value for an end-user/audience in specific contexts.According to Wikipedia: So you ..... ..... or someone (or something) else .....potentially is a source of content THE PROCESS OF CONTENT CREATION TO DISTRIBUTION 1. Content Strategy 3. Content Distribution 2. Content Creation Years of data from hundreds of marketing firms, after the analysis of the contents of millions of websites have been able to determine, what sorts of content can achieve the desired goal of marketers and ordinary customers alike. While a lot of content creators on the internet actuallydon't follow any decisive rule and trust their intuitions,several successful firms have managed to replicate success consistently, based on an effective content strategy. For example, the successes of BuzzFeed, Mashable and Huffington Post can be attributed to a precise content strategy, where certain 'golden rules' are consistently followed from the process of creation to distribution. 1. CONTENT STRATEGY Content strategy refers to the planning, development, and management of content-written or in other media. The term is particularly common in web development since the late 1990s. It is a recognized field in user experience design, but also draws interestfrom adjacent communities such as content management, business analysis, and technical communication. in summary...... ... it's the act of determing:*what should be the impact of the content*what our content will contain*who the target audience of the content is, and*what should be done to ensure that the content reaches that audience 2. CONTENT CREATION Setting your vision! Bringing ideas to life! This is the part where your plans and visions start taking shape. So, once you have decided what you will write/make, you then work to make the content real. Content creation is often the most time consuming process. It wouldn't be an overstatement, to saythat it's the most crucial stage in content process. The content creator needs to consider ? The content creator has to remind himself time and again that only up to this stage can errors be corrected and changes be made to the content.Only after we are absolutely certain that we have made the content that fits our strategydo we proceed to the next stage. 3. Content Distribution Launching our content! Content Marketing and Distribution deals with creating and sharing valuable free content in order to attract and convert prospects into customers, and customers into repeat buyers. The type of content you share is closely related to what you sell. ... in other words, you’re educating people so that they know, like, and trust you enough to do business with you. There is no single answer to the question for all content marketers. All content makers have their own target customers and so, a policy has to be made, only after determining how our potential customers can be best reached. While a lot choosea hybrid arrangement that encompasses a mixture of traditional and internet media, of late, several firms have managedto solely grow on the basis of internet marketing. The internet has been identified lately as the heart of content marketing. However, the distribution through the internet can be paid or be organic. 1. whether the content can be finalized in the pre-determined time or not2. whether specific adjustments are required as per the changes in the situation3. whether our content keeps in line with the pre-determined targets or not4. whether the editorial feedback on our content is positive or negative ‘Content strategy is to copywriting as information architecture is to design’ - Rachel Lovinger "Content may be King, but distribution is the Kingmaker". "Marketing is impossible without great content"- The Content Marketing Institute I. Paid Distribution a. Ad networks- popularly known as Pay-Per-Click campaigns like Google Adwords and Outbrain b. Paid Social- includes sponsored posts on websites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter c. Native Advertisement- campaigns made through contents, that target specific group for a long periodII. Organic distribution a. Social media- promoting your content for free through our own social network platforms. b. Crowdsourcing- putting incentives for your audience and encouraging them to participate c. SEO- applying techniques to ensure that your content's visibility is high d. Lead nurturing- building long term business relationships by covering the content from early on, which would be beneficial to the niche audience A good content strategy, a well created content and a well co-ordinated content distribution are absolutely essential for content makers and marketers. Yet, marketers have to choose a peculiar combination of the three, only after considering their resources and goals. Concluding it all.....
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