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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Are you a victim of second-degree burns? With stem cell research at an all-time high, new technology may heal burns weeks before they normally would! The skin cell gun (above) is a brand new device developed by Jรถrg C. Gerlach, with the potential to heal second-degree burns in a matter of days. If we take stem cells from your skin and spray them onto the burned skin, they will turn into healthy skin cells. The base component of the skin cell gun are stem cells (left). These 'unspecialized' cells are: - cells in your body with no specific function- able to turn into any cell in your body - found in pockets throughout your body ( i.e. the skin, bone marrow, blood vessels, muscles) Peters' Hospital has supported stem cell research from the beginning. If you have skin that is damaged from a second-degree burn, please come to Peters' Hospital for treatment from a skin cell gun. For your participation you will receive a check of $150. If you have second-degree burns and are eligible for skin cell gun treatment, please call Peters' Hospital at 678-9076 If you have second-degree burns and are eligible for skin cell gun treatment, please call Peters' Hospital at 678-9076 If you have second-degree burns and are eligible for skin cell gun treatment, please call Peters' Hospital at 678-9076 If you have second-degree burns and are eligible for skin cell gun treatment, please call Peters' Hospital at 678-9076 If you have second-degree burns and are eligible for skin cell gun treatment, please call Peters' Hospital at 678-9076 If you have second-degree burns and are eligible for skin cell gun treatment, please call Peters' Hospital at 678-9076 If you have second-degree burns and are eligible for skin cell gun treatment, please call Peters' Hospital at 678-9076 Written and formatted by David Peters
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