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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 During adolescence, children begin to attempt to discover who theytruly are. They begin to become independent and experiment withdifferent lifestyles and personalities. From this, they can begin to create a sense of identity and achieve an understanding of themselves sexually and career-wise. They then gain the virtue ofFIDELITY and avoid the opposing outcome which is role confusion,leading to future of unhappiness and continued experimenting andconfusion Erik Erikson's Psychosocial Stages Theory Birth 18 Months This stage bases around a child's development of autonomy andsense of themselves as capable. Children begin doing things forthemselves and if they can accomplish this and receive help but the freedom to try themselves, they become confident in themselves and receive the virtue of WILL. Otherwise, if they are criticized or fail consistency, they feel shameful and feel incapable in their abilities Age 40 Age 18 This stage is based on the ability of the parents to nurture their child. Parents must give adequate and predictable care with close contact. If done correctly, the child will see the world as naturally predictable and "good" which, in other words, gives the virtue of HOPE, else they will see the world as unpredictable, develop fear, and lack in their faith in the world Age 12 Age 3 During this stage, the child goes beyond the close supervision of parents and begins to interact with peers and play. Theybegin doing activities and initiating activities. They also will ask many questions during this stage. If the child is allowed the opportunity to play with others and questions are not reacted towith disgust, the child gains the virtue of PURPOSE and feelscapable of themselves in social situations. Otherwise, they willfeel guilt and not initiate conversations for feeling of "'being a nuisance'" Age 5 Now, people begin to settle down, get a career, andraise a family. They begin doing things for others(giving to charity, helping at work, and making adifference). Those who do these things feel helpfuland, as a result, happy with themselves. This leadsto the virtue of CARE. If one doesn't feel adequatelycharitable, they "stagnant and unproductive". Finally, in the twilight years, we reflect on our past.If one interprets their life and achievements as successful, we gain the virtue of WISDOM andcan accept death easily. However, if one does not feel as such, they can feel despair, "leading to depression and hopelessness Erikson's Theory studies the external challenges we must go through in our lives.Erikson's Theory virtually walks us through the process of life through stages and can be interpreted as a long, winding road. As you go forth, you will accomplishstages and gain virtues which lead to a happy life or receive the alternative. Children begin to go to school and learn new skills.This phase is typically based around a teacher or instructor. If the child feels adequately rewarded fortheir development of skills, they feel useful and gainthe virtue of COMPETENCE. If this is not the case,they feel little confidence in their abilities leadingto sadness and a lower self-esteem Young adults struggle with the feeling of being loved.They begin to form close and meaningful relationshipswith partners. If close relationships can be achieved, the person gains the virtue of LOVE and feels safe and secure in commitments; otherwise, they do not which can lead to "loneliness, depression, and isolation" Erikson’s Stages of Development | Learning Theories. (n.d.). Retrieved January 14, 2015, from McLeod, S. A. (2008). Erik Erikson. Retrieved from Daniel Brunette7th Hour Age 65 Death Trust v. Mistrust Autonomy v. Shame Intitiative v. Guilt Industry v. Inferiority Intimacy v. Isolation Ego Identity v. Role Confusion Generativity v. Stagnation Ego Integrity v. Despair HOPE WILL PURPOSE COMPENTENCE FIDELITY LOVE CARE WISDOM
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