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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Imperialism Gabriel-Jean BertrandMr.Marshall WHAP India was sought after as a colony for the valuable goods it produced.The British meddled in disputes the Indian princes had.They eventually gained a lot of power and dominated the region due to a lack of a national identity in the area. Robert Clive helped Britain to get more control in India. Britain also competed with France and fought with them and emerged victorious.Sepoy Mutiny In 1857, the British army had Indian soldiers in their army called sepoys. The rifle cartridges had to be bitten off before put in a gun. There was a rumor that the covers were greased with beef and pork fat. It was against many of the soldiers' religions to eat pork or beef and they revolted. This can be seen as an act of independence. Java is an island in Indonesia. The main goal of the Dutch colonies there was to monopolize spices and they paid tribute to the sultan of Mataram. They intervened in wars of succession which lead to them gaining more land.Java WarsThe Java wars were fought from 1825-1830.It is the last example of resistance to the Dutch rule. It was lead by Diponegoro. It resulted in a Dutch victory and it gave the Dutch more control. India/Java South Africa The Dutch set up a colony in Cape Town. The Boers moved inland and set up farming communities. They faced competition. They fought many times with the Bantu speakers but Britain also tried to colonize in South Africa which they eventually did.Anglo-Boer WarFrom 1899-1902 the British and the Boers fought. The British won and that was the start of decolonization.The Great TrekAfter 1984, the Great Trek occurred. It was the movement of Boers to be free of government control. Pacific New ZealandThe Maori were the inhabitants of New Zealand.First Merchants and whalers arrived and theybrought firearms and diseases. Then came theBritish farmers and herders who arrived and tooka lot of land. The Maori fought back. It looked likethe Maori were going to go extinct but they survived and retained their culture.HawaiiJames Cook opened Hawaii to the Westand they start to imitate western ways.Kamehameha, a king, promoted economic trade. Diseases were also brought over. The state was weakened and eventually the U.S.A. declared annexation.The Voyages of Captain James CookJames Cook made voyages to Hawaii from 1777 to 1779.He convinced Kamehameha to imitate Western Ways which would create a unified kingdom. He also opened Hawaii to the west.
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