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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Ocean Acidification Cook Islands, Aitutaki Natalie CroxtonPeriod 412/19/14 Carbon Footprint Changing just a fewminor things everydaycan lead to a happier, healthierEarth. Ecological Footprint Water Footprint My Water Consumption: (Gallons per Day) On a yearly basis, I produceapproximately 22 tons ofCarbon Dioxide (5 tons less than thenational average). My Carbon Footprint Day-to-day, I use an averageof 4,176 gallons of water per day (80 gallons less than theaverage American). If everyone lived like me, we would need 4.4 Earth'sto provide enou My Ecological Footprint Even though everyday acts like like leaving the water on while you brush your teeth may seem like no big deal, when everyone is doing it, these small acts leave a large, damaging footprint. Tips for Reducing Your Footprint Reduce your Carbon Footprint by... Eco Friendly Boats . -Composting food scraps & yard waste-Turning off the lights when leaving a room-Using energy efficient light bulbs-Riding the school bus-Recycling-Avoiding printing unnecessary documents-Keeping the thermostat lower in winter/higher in summer -Taking shorter showers-Eliminating baths-Wearing clothes more than once before washing-Covering swimming pool to prevent evaporation-Turning off faucet when brushing teeth-Washing our cars less-Filling dish washer to capacity before running-Reducing number of showers per week -Eating vegetarian twice a week-Walking/riding bike home from school-Being a better recycler-Carpooling to after-school activities -Finding activities to do close to home rather than travel on weekends-Planting a garden/trees By making these changes, the Cook Islands can reduce their Co2 emissions and in turn stop the coral reef from decaying any farther. Leave no trace double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. Sewage Filtration
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