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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 2. KINDERGARTEN The Journey to Becoming a Teacher The Journey to Becoming a Teacher 1. MY CHILDHOOD Throughout my childhood reading and writingwere very important aspects to my life. My mother has always loved to read and she passed this love for reading and writing on tome. Every night before bed she would read Robert Munch books to me. The book "I Love You Forever" was one of the first booksI was able to read on my own. I can rememberbeing excited about this time and became increasingly more excited about attending school. Every child is excited when they go to school and Iwas no exception. I went to preschool and then to kindergarten. I can remember learning to read and write, first building on letter recognition, moving to sounding out letters, and learning sight words. Throughout Language Arts I have become more and more familiar with the reading process. I have learnedthat reading comes with practice at each and everystep. As a teacher who wants to teach early primary,this concept is very important. I will take the time to teach my students every part of the process to ensuretheir success. ITEM NO. 001 By: Kaitlyn O'Hara When a teacher enters the classroom they bring their past with them. I know that when I enter the classroom my love for reading and environmentalism is always with me. In order to move forward as a teacher, one needs to realize their past. This assignment has allowed me to come to conclusions about myself. I have realized that my love for reading and learning has come from many pivotal events thoughout my life. I invite you to take the journey that is my personal literacy story. Enjoy! 3. LAUREN
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