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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 80% In 2010 Alberta pipelines failedon average every 1.4 days,spilling 3.4 million litres of oil. On March 24, 1989, the Exxon Valdez spilled 257 000 barrels of oil into Prince William Sound. Alberta Spills Northern Gateway Pipeline will carry diluted bitumen Since 1999 Enbridge Oil Spills 2012 794 000 litres into Rainbow Lake June 18 The number of pipelines we havemeans that incidents like this occur from time to time andthey simply can't be avoided in a province like Alberta. - Ken Hughes It's known as heavy crude oil, tar sands oil, or diluted bitumen. More than 800 leaks 27, 000, 000 litres of oil Northern Gateway Pipeline will cross 1000 rivers and streams Northern Gateway Pipelinewill carry 525 000 barrels of diluted bitumen each day 222 000 litres at Elk Point 80% of British Columbiansare opposed to tanker trafficon the BC Coast Northern Gateway Pipeline In it's natural state it's almost solid. It's mixed with a dilutant to help transport it 1200 km The dilutant contains benzene and hydrogen sulfide The lighter part evaporated and the heavier part sank to the bottom of river. It is still buried in 6 inches of sediment There are 200 acres of submerged oil in the Kalamazoo River 2010 3.8 million litres spilled into the Kalamazoo River Opposition to oil tankers 3 recent spills May 19 475 000 litresinto Red Deer River June 8 1989 More than twice the amount of the Exxon Valdez spillwill travel across British Columbia everyday.
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