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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 07 07 To Generate Guaranteed Marketing Profits To Generate Guaranteed Marketing Profits 1 1 2 2 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 Then make sure to drive your audience back to a location (e.g, website or blog) where you can collect contact information. That way you can follow up and continue delivering educational material that further develops the relationship with your new audience. Then make sure to drive your audience back to a location (e.g, website or blog) where you can collect contact information. That way you can follow up and continue delivering educational material that further develops the relationship with your new audience. Place your marketing where your prospects gather: Place your marketing where your prospects gather: Communicate with prospectsclients on a regular basis: Communicate with prospects/clients on a regular basis: If youre not building and communicating with lists of thesepeople right now, youre overspending on your marketing. Worseyet, youre missing a priceless opportunity to position yourself as a trusted resource in your industry. If youre not building and communicating with lists of thesepeople right now, youre overspending on your marketing. Worseyet, youre missing a priceless opportunity to position yourself as a trusted resource in your industry. 79% of marketing leads never convert into sales. An absence of lead nurturing is a major cause for this poor performance. 79% of marketing leads never convert into sales. An absence of lead nurturing is a major cause for this poor performance. On average, loyal customers are worth up to 10 times asmuch as their first purchase. On average, loyal customers are worth up to 10 times asmuch as their first purchase. PROVEN WAYS PROVEN WAYS Deliver more value than your competitors: Deliver more value than your competitors: In todays world, value is often in the form of help. Prospectsexpect you to dedicate resources, share you expertise andmake their wellbeing a priority before you pitch your productor service. So dont hold back give away great tips,strategies and advice. 63% of individuals who request information will not buy anything from you for at least three months. In todays world, value is often in the form of help. Prospectsexpect you to dedicate resources, share you expertise andmake their well-being a priority before you pitch your productor service. So dont hold back give away great tips,strategies and advice. 63% of individuals who request information will not buy anything from you for at least three months. Stick to a marketing schedule: Stick to a marketing schedule: Avoid running promotions only when you need leads or revenue.If you want to build trust and establish yourself as a helpful resource, then reach out to prospectsclients for reasons that benefit them more than you. 80% of sales are made between the 5th and 12th contact with a prospect. Avoid running promotions only when you need leads or revenue.If you want to build trust and establish yourself as a helpful resource, then reach out to prospects/clients for reasons that benefit them more than you. 80% of sales are made between the 5th and 12th contact with a prospect. Create an experience for others: Create an experience for others: Most marketing gets ignored because it provides little benefit to anyone but the business it promotes. Remember, the best marketing often doesntlook like marketing. So solve problems, share tools, tell stories, interview experts, ask and answer questions, and just be willing to do the unexpected. 70% of buying experiences are based on how people feel they are being treated. Most marketing gets ignored because it provides little benefit to anyone but the business it promotes. Remember, the best marketing often doesntlook like marketing. So solve problems, share tools, tell stories, interview experts, ask and answer questions, and just be willing to do the unexpected. 70% of buying experiences are based on how people feel they are being treated. Embrace small audiences: Embrace small audiences: The number of people who see or hear your marketing message haszero effect on response. So instead of broadcasting your marketing messages (i.e., investing considerable money to produce minimal content that reaches a large audience), start narrowcasting. When youinvest minimal money to produce a lot of content that reaches a small audience, you attract better prospects. 70% of people prefer getting to know a company via articles over ads. The number of people who see or hear your marketing message haszero effect on response. So instead of broadcasting your marketing messages (i.e., investing considerable money to produce minimal content that reaches a large audience), start narrowcasting. When youinvest minimal money to produce a lot of content that reaches a small audience, you attract better prospects. 70% of people prefer getting to know a company via articles over ads. Remember, people dont trust you. So you must overcome this disbelief. What concerns keep people from contacting you Address and prove these fears wrong and dont hesitate to guarantee a desired outcome. The top 2 reasons for client loss: (1) They feel poorly treated (2) Failure to solve a problem in a timely manner. Remember, people dont trust you. So you must overcome this disbelief. What concerns keep people from contacting you? Address and prove these fears wrong and dont hesitate to guarantee a desired outcome. The top 2 reasons for client loss: (1) They feel poorly treated (2) Failure to solve a problem in a timely manner. Remove the risk of working with you: Remove the risk of working with you: Sources: HubSpot, White House Office of Consumer Affairs , The Marketing Donut, Harris InteractiveRight Now, Referral Squirrel,McKinsey, Content Plus. Sources: HubSpot, White House Office of Consumer Affairs , The Marketing Donut, Harris Interactive/Right Now, Referral Squirrel,McKinsey, Content Plus.
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