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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Boston Masscre Kurtis RavenelDue: January 12, 2015Period 1 *resources - 3. 4. 2. 1. October 1, 1768 - British Troops Start Arriving to Boston March 5, 1770 - The Boston Massacre Occurs October 24-30, 1770 - The Trial of Captain Preston November 27 - Dec 14, 1770 - the Trial of the British Soldiers Key Individuals... - Captain PrestonCaptain Preston and his men as well as four civilians accused of having fired from the window of the Customs House. -Five killed Boston residentsSamuel Gray, Samuel Maverick, James Coldwell, Crispus Attucks and Patrick Carr. June 29, 1767 - the British ParliamentPasses Acts the Townshend There aren't many 100% descriptions to describe the Boston Massacre because on all the propaganda.There are two different parts to "tell" what happened,the eye witness testimony and the engraving. Similarities--shots were fired-people died-soldiers Eye Witness Testimony--An African American died-sticks and snowballs thrown Engraving--dog-bleeding-in front a "chapel" -The defense team The defense team was headed by John Adams who was assisted mainly by Josiah Quincy. Josiah Quincy became the main spokesman for the Boston chapter of the Sons of Liberty before the revolution. Seven months later, in October of 1770, Captain Preston was tried for murder in a Boston courtroom. He was defended by John Adams and Robert Auchmuty and assisted by Josiah Quincy Jr. Captain Preston was acquitted by a Boston jury. It was never cleary explained why the radicals Adams and Quincy represented Preston, and later the soldiers, although some surviving documents suggest that the jury in Preston's case was "packed." When the soldiers case came to trial soon after they were defended by Adams, Quincy, and Sampson Salter Blowers. The jurors in their case came from outside of Boston and they won acquittals a month after the trial began. The Results... 5. -Soldiers The soldiers of the twenty-ninth regiment accused of murder were William Wemms, James Hartigan, William McCauley, Hugh White, Matthew Kilroy, William Warren, John Carrol and Hugh Montgomery. The eight British soldiers accused of murder were tried separately from their officerCaptain Preston. But just like the Prestons trial the proceedings were delayed by 8 months after the incident to allow emotions to cool down. As a result of the trial, six soldiers were acquitted on the grounds of self-defense, but two were found guilty of murder because of the overpowering proof that they fired into the crowd. The boston massacre is one of the first wars in the revolutionary war Impact...
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