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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 The role of the first one, represented by the tangible heritage, is to offer to the communityand the tourists, rich indulgence in unique natural, aesthetic, historical, spiritual, andarchitectural experiences. It encompasses prehistoric settlements, archaeological sites,remains of the Via Egnatia, ancient theatres, religious historic buildings, i.e. Orthodoxmonasteries and churches dating from the 7th century AD, iconography collections,basilicas, historic buildings as the Samuil Fortress, as well as the traditional urban architecture of the old city. Concerning the ongoing development projects, the Creationof St. Clements University in Plaoshnik is currently the most problematic one. On theother hand, the Museum on Water, constructed on the archaeological complex of theBay of the Bones on the lake shore, made positive impressions on the World HeritageAdvisory Mission during its 2013 visit (Report on the Advisory Mission, 2013: 18).The second one, a mixture between the tangible and intangible heritage, has the functionto connect the visitors to the cultural values through the traditional customs, such as thehandicrafts of filigree, the unique Ohrid pearls, woodcarving, Byzantine painting, and thehandmade paper tradition; the unique dialect and folk legends, as well as folk customs such as the Orthodox celebration of religious holidays as the cross throwing tradition.As Ms. Topuzovska explains, the development of this tourism pillar is based on educatingand empowering the local community, raising their awareness of the responsibility theyhold managing a world heritage property and its potential and values they must nurture(personal communication, December 29, 2014).Finally, the third pillar focuses on experiencing the vibrant living culture and night life,including sports as the Ohrid Marathon and the Sailing Regatta, cultural manifestationsas the Ohrid Summer Festival, gastronomy cuisine and hospitality, and most importantlymodern development planning. This pillar faces the most problematic challenges sincethe following current development projects in this area seriously affect the world heritageproperty: the coastal development for the economic and tourist development of the LakeOhrid region, the Pan European Corridor VIII project, application of energy efficiencymeasures and use of renewable energy resources and technologies in the property,plans for the construction of monumental buildings in the central part of the city of Ohrid,construction of a Hydrodrome, and reconstruction of the existing and construction ofnew ports. 1 2 3
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