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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 FBLA Future Business Leaders of America *Source: "Technology Use in the Classroom - Benefits & Barriers April 2014" digedu Teachers need to know why they should usethe proposed EdTech Tools, a good set of true incentives to start with are: Improved student engagement Better teaching experience Higher student participation Modelling of technology use is vital, try to use an app or a group of apps and tools in your program Tweet your kudos to teachers Use skype to connect to educational experts Use online coaching platforms 2.Model your Apps & Tools 3.Watch out for teachers excuses Teachers sometimes feel that technology may actually distract student; one study identified that 48% of teachers report a loss of classtime due to technology issues 46% Lacking adequate training on technology 51% lacking adequate support for technology lacking adequate visibility into what students are doing when they are using technology. 33% 4.Teachers dont have time! Teachers think that additional planning and preparationis needed to implement lessons incorporating technology;so try to make it easy for them, various apps and toolsavailable over the Internet can help put together a lessonplan: EvernoteCommon Core Standards by MasteryConnectCommon Core ConceptBANK by Scootpad CorporationClassroom Ideas to Go! by ScholasticPlanbook Touch by HellmansoftPages by AppleGoogle Drive by GoogleEdmodoMy Big Campus by Lightspeed Systems 5.Teachers will only learn sociallywith peers Discussing and sharing concerns with peers is very importantin learning about educational use of ICT, social learning toolscan not only make your existing programs better, they canalso extend them to leverage more of the untapped expertiseyou have within your network and beyond 6.Use Flipped classroom (do it yourself) It is not enough for the teacher to observe the use oftechnology in education; doing it by themselves handson experience is largely required, so use online learningbut also review and guide their actual practice in their own classroom. 7.Observe progress without assessment No Assessment Teachers feel that traditional assessment of their ICT skills were unhelpful; its better to move away from assessment towards continuous feedback and mentoring. 8.Become the technology leader Success will only come if you lead the transition of youreducators; so lead and show everyone that you are leading this change. 9.Gradually change your teachers Use a combination of various techniques and approachesto change the teachers over a period of time and dontexpect change to happen in 2 weeks 10.Promote continuous learning Communicate the importance of building and maintainingan online personal learning network (PLN), All educators (and learners) can benefit from extending their own PLN online beyond the limits of their experience. Infograph by Teachers Plus | | December 2014
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